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March 10, 2000

The Untapped Power of PlayStation2
Posted by @ 3:08 PM, EST
IGN interviewed a few developers asking what they think of the PS2.
Here’s a bit:

"Everybody's nay-saying comes down to a misunderstanding about this system...It's not simple," said one popular PlayStation and PS2 developer. "That doesn't mean it's bad. It just means it's not simple, and the first generation stuff is going to look weaker in comparison to second-generation stuff than ever before on another system. But believe me, PlayStation2 is a race car. It's going to kick @ss. Everything you hear people complaining about on this system is just whining. PS2 has everything. You can program anything on this system. It's more like a computer than ever before."

Full article

Comment: X-Box dominating consoles...hahaa!!!!!!!!!! Nintendo is going to crush X-Box,so what do you think PS2 is going to do to it? obliterate it that's what!!

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: Microsoft should AT LEAST be given a chance. Remember when Sony was once considered an "outsider?" Now look at them. It's possible that Microsoft could be a dominating force just like their neighbors (i.e. Nintendo) once were.

Name:u all suck
Comment: yo f*k bill gates wut does he know about games ..? he's a money greddin basterd

Comment: check out fo rsome real cool (and real time) x-box screenshots... (from an early tech demo)

Comment: I Hope Sony PS2 has a Phat NBA game coming out with real NBA PLAYERS doing their own Dunks! Now why can't Sony think of that for a while! Bring real life into play why don't ya in this fantasy world! Let's have the true gamers speak up some killer ideas for games in here! The older NBA LIVE GAMES they were Phat but wish they had the real Players dunking in Showtime! Let's make some noise on how games should realy be played! Yo PS 2 you should have the Dopest games out on the market! So don't come cheap and weak with some sorry wack games or you can forget about our money! HELL YEAH! PEACE: da Magnolia AllStar aka: Mags!

Comment: Well Peeps looks like the PlayStation 2 is coming out now!
Is the world ready to spend more money on something they realy don't need but think they do! It's funny how fast
we spend our money for a new video game system! What if we still had the money we spent for the other systems they sold us on! Well I guess us gamers will just have to fork over the cash once again for better graphics and different games! Sorry if my comments offended any of you out there! Just speaking my mind cause everyone is dissing the wrong peeps in here! Sony is making a killin off of all of us!
LOL Yo Peace to you all and happy gaming Mags

Comment: I think kituka IS Bill Gates. Otherwise it would of been too hard for Bill to buy off civillians opinions, the ranting F*CK that he is!
I say we string Kituka up by his bootlaces and beat him with baseball bats for being such an ignorant lying hypocritical loser.

Comment: Why does Kituka hang out in a PS2 website if Bill Gates is his god. Is he a little dazed and confused

Comment: well Kituka that's because this is a PS2 website!!!!!!!!!!!!! go stroke Bill Gates joystick some more and stay away from here will ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment: Untapped power of PS2?!?!?!? HEll, you ought to be talking about the untapped/infinite power of X-Box.

Comment: The 3 release games that I got were a big disappointment. Then again, thinking back to when I bought my PS in Japan in '94, there wasn't a whole lot out for IT either. I think Toshinden really sold me on the original PS. Then I went out and bought crap like Kileak the Blood. I wasn't all that impressed with the original Tekken either. It took Tekken 2 before the games really rocked!! Can't wait!

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