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March 13, 2000

The World is Not Enough Interview
Posted by @ 12:18 PM, EST
GA-Source posted an interview with EA about their upcoming Bond game, The World is Not Enough.
Here's a bit:

What is the design philosophy behind this game? What games have influenced TWINE's design and gameplay?

The first goal of our design is to build exciting gameplay around key moments in the plot. This is quite intense, because you have to think of ways to expand the action at a given location so that the player has a reason to explore and interact with a large environment... did I mention the environments are huge?! :-) Our second goal is to get the player accomplishing Bond-like things -- not just shooting, but spy activities. So while we obviously want to build upon the success of every game in the first-person genre, it's important that TWINE have distinctive elements. Those elements are James Bond and his world.

The Quake III engine is already one of the most advanced engines on the market, how have you expanded it beyond the scope of the original code?

We've adapted the Quake 3 engine to take advantage of the most powerful game console ever: the Playstation 2. Needless to say, we'll be expanding the code to take advantage of the PS2's awesome power.
Full interview

Name:Eric Moore
Comment: Does this game have four players? How much does plytation 2 games cost? On the Playstation 2 system does it have 4 slot so that u can put your controller in, or do u have to buy a multitap like on the regular playstation? Will this game be even better than Goldeneye on 64?

Name:Eric Moore
Comment: Does this game have four players. How much does plytation 2 games cost? On the Playstation 2 system does it have 4 slot so that u can put your controller in,or do u have to buy a multitap like on the regular playstation? Will this game be even better than Goldeneye on 64?

Name:Eric Moore
Comment: Does this game have four players. How much does plytation 2 games cost? On the
Playstation 2 system does it have 4 slot so that u can put your controller in,or do uhave to buy a multitap like on the regular playstation? Will this game be even better than Goldeneye on 64?

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