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March 16, 2000

Interview with Hideo Kojima
Posted by @ 5:41 PM, EST
slapped up an interview with Konami’s Hideo Kojima.
A slice:

CVG: What were your first impressions on seeing the abilities and technical specifications of PlayStation2?

“It is the best existing machine. However, it is not the ‘dream machine’. To create something good, better ideas, more knowledge, efforts, and a stronger mentality are necessary.
“If one simply focuses on the graphics capability of PS2, what you end up with will not be that different from existing games. With the appearance of PS1, 2D evolved to 3D. If one wants to re-create that impact with PS2, one must try to expand the game world extremely in a way that can be done only by adding the element of time to 3D and creating things in 4D. What is currently expected from PS2 among many people is ‘Hollywood graphics’. If this is the direction to be taken, what we will be seeing won't be that different from PS and DC titles. Just like when games evolved from the Famicom (NES) to Super Famicom (SNES), graphics and sounds will indeed improve while playability remains the same. Fighting and racing games have become far more beautiful, but controls, gameplay, and the game experience all remain the same.
“What's important is what you want to express with PS2 and where you want to use its high-speed calculation capabilities.”

Name:Unknown answer
Comment: check irvins comment March 10, 2000

Name:Unknown answer
Comment: strange!

Name:Unknown answer
Comment: Hideo repeats some things Irvin said in one of his previous comments.Monopolism and no evolution in games when there is monopolism.Its like Irvin reads the future.

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: Yeah, Hideo did say that the 4th dimension is time. Silly me, My bad!

Comment: I think the PS2 will open gates to the evolution of the games world but it's not a revolution... Sure the PS2 has cool graphics but in a while, there will be more powerfull machines able to do greater graphics than the PS2... and the cycle continues but there is not any revolution. And that's what says Hideo too. Tell me if you're disagree with me.:)

Comment: Voice reckognition i ment

Comment: 4D is no problem.ShenMue and the PS2 version of Oddworld already have this.Also the voice over ability they are making for the PS2 can open great new ideas.Imagine being able to talk with other characters in MGS2.

Comment: Hideo is a wise man. After all, he did create the bestest playstation game in the world. I like his thinking in that no games console will ever be big enough for everything we want to put in the games. There will always be things that will have to be left out for technical reasons, that's just how it is.

Comment: Hideo is a genius and pioneer in this industry. He has it all right. I especially enjoyed the part about him saying that "emotion" has been a part of games since the 8 bit days, how true. Sony calling their processor the E.E. is a joke, a marketing ploy. Why, because it can produce extreme visuals? FF3 for the SNES moved me, so did MGS, etc. Did FF3 have amazing mind-blowing graphics that would produce 'emotion'? No, it was the responsibility of the developers to create, just like he said. There's no doubt that the PS2 has the power, the question the developers have the vision? I know Hideo does!

Comment: Hideo did say the fourth dimension was time.

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: Whoops! Server problems forced me to retry. �Lo siento!

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: 4D? Hideo should read Stephen Hawking's book and see that the fourth dimension is the dimension of time! There are only three dimensions in space! Why the puck doesn't Hideo realize that? Has Stephen Hawking's book not been translated into Japanese?

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: 4D? Hideo should read Stephen Hawking's book and see that the fourth dimension is the dimension of time! There are only three dimensions in space! Why the puck doesn't Hideo realize that? Has Stephen Hawking's book not been translated into Japanese?

Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: 4D? Hideo should read Stephen Hawking's book and see that the fourth dimension is the dimension of time! There are only three dimensions in space! Why the puck doesn't Hideo realize that? Has Stephen Hawking's book not been translated into Japanese?

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