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March 17, 2000

Arika Talks Street Fighter EX3
Posted by @ 5:00 PM, EST
Core posted an interview with Arika, the developer of Street Fighter EX3.
Here’s a bit:

Question: What would you say was your biggest problem in developing Street Fighter EX3?

Hori-san: It took soo long to build the basic form of the game, the engine. When the development kit first arrived we had no idea what we could do, and it really takes awhile to understand the PlayStation2 hardware. It's simple to make games which resemble original PS titles, but when you really want to delve into the capabilities of the PlayStation2, things can get difficult. So at first, we had serious problems in establishing development methods and attaining the necessary 'know-how' to really use the system.

Question: Having finished the game, what do you feel?

Hori-san: There's no special techniques used in the launch titles, so you can't get a sense of the systems power. Even looking at the manuals and the bare specifications, nobody knows its limits. In developing, we basically set a limit on ourselves, but nobody knew where to set that limit.

Full Interview

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