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March 27, 2000

Unreal Tournament for US launch?
Posted by @ 1:48 PM, EST
Mark Rein of Epic posted some info on a possible UT for the PS2:

Officially, we haven't signed a publishing deal for UT PSX2, so this is just speculative...but we hope to have the game ready as a North American and European PlayStation2 launch title. The game is up and running with full features, but still needs a lot of optimization work -- we're just getting into taking advantage of the PlayStation2's vector units, where most of the machine's performance potential lies.

We will definitely have support for USB networking and split-screen multiplayer. We also plan to have support for modems and Sony's broadband networking, but since the specifics of those things haven't been made available to developers yet, I don't know about the timing or exactly how it will work. But, obviously Internet support is Unreal Tournament's best feature, and we plan to do everything possible to exploit the Internet on the PlayStation2.

We would love to ship with PlayStation2-to-PC networking support, and that is *currently* possible because we haven't made any game content changes. However, I can't promise whether this will happen, because we might decide to make significant content or control changes, to optimize the UT experience for PlayStation2, which would break network compatibility. We'll just have to see...

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