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March 31, 2000

Game impressions
Posted by @ 11:19 AM, EST
Gamespot kicked up their first impressions of Tekken Tag Tournament, Dead Or Alive2 and Type-S.

A bit of the TTT impressions:
Tekken Tag Tournament for the PlayStation2 looks pretty nice. It isn't exactly light-years ahead of everything else out there, but it looks nice. There don't seem to be any issues with slowdown, and the jagged edges that stuck out like a sore thumb throughout Ridge Racer V are far less noticeable here

Full article

A bit of the DOA2 impressions:
The game plays the same as the DC version, although there is no distinct advantage to using the smaller PS2 pad. The in-game cinemas run at 60fps as opposed to the DC's 30fps, but this is hardly a consideration when you are comparing the two games. Although the PS2 port was done in a very short time frame, there is almost nothing that makes this game look or play any better than the DC version.

Full article

A bit of the Type-S impressions:
Graphically, the game does a lot of things right. It has nice effects, including occasionally impressive lighting. At times, the game has a grimy yet photo-realistic look to it. The in-car view shows the driver's hands on the wheel, accurately moving gauges, and you can even catch a glimpse of the rest of the car's interior as seen through a reflection on your windshield. It's really too bad that the gameplay is about as unfun as it could possibly be.
Full article

# 16
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
That's the best idea I've geard in years Irvine.

# 15
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
I think we should all shut up and work to gain money so we could buy and enjoy all platforms.

# 14
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Preach it minister Chaborf!!! Yo, you're absolutely right. Kind of makes you wonder what all those people are trying to prove with their stupid company loyalties, doesn't it?

# 13
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
I guess you're right Chaborf,
The Dreamcast just can't compete with the PS2.

# 12
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Some of you strike me as really sad. REALLY sad. Some posts always have to have that "oh, but this one game will blow away the DC" sentence. What's your point?? Can't seem to afford all the great systems available with mommies allowance so you feel you have to dis the systems you can't afford? Christ, get a job and start to grow up! If you can't afford all, then don't bitch negative bullshit about the systems you don't have. Realize that great system specs don't make great this really that hard to comprehend? There are great games on every system out, even on (take a breath here)....the GAMEBOY! Dare I say it?? I am SO DAMN FRUSTRATED that people are so stubborn as to swear loyalty to one system and then put down all the others. Do you think SONY cares that you will only buy their system? Haha!! Do you think you're looking cool to someone? To me, you only look like you're the one shooting yourself in the foot, missing out on all the great games out there. That is not gaming, nor a gamer by any means.

# 11
Name: MeTaL=DeaTh, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
even though most are down on Type-S,i think it has the most creativity (just my opinion ok),when it comes out (and it better!) worldwide,i think the controls will be changed tighter for us pickier racing westerner's...

# 10
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Just think what will happen when GT2000 gets released.It wont only kick DC ass but the whole thing.

# 9
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Just downloaded a Type S replay at
Fuck what i said! This game is going to kick some
serious DC ass and not only the DC ass.

# 8
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
I hope you are right. I guess every Psx2 game is
worth checking out and this one is from squaresoft
so maybe it could kick ass anyhow, but I'm not so impressed.

# 7
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Grandmaster B because Type S doesnt look as good as GT2000 it doesnt mean that its not a good looking game.
Actually it looks better than many DC racers.

# 6
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
I hate to say this but I thought Type-S was very, very dissapointing. The graphics weren't that cool. Gran Turismo 2000 on the other hand looked very promissing. It is going to kick Type-S' ass.

# 5
Name: Samuel, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Es una verdadera lastima que al parecer DOA2 para PS2 no sea tan bueno como muchos esperbamos, en una revista de mi pas (Mxico) acabo de leer que en la versin para PS2 el antialias no fue bien aplicado, por lo cual la calidad de el juego no es muy superior a la del DC, claro que en el PS2 el juego es ms rpido, pero en estos tiempos en que los jugadores somos ms exigentes nos importa mucho ms la calidad final de el juego explotando las capacidades de cada sistema, ejemplo de esto es el sorprendente TTT, Armored Core 2 y Primal Image, siendo del PS2 sern importantes en la batalla entre SONY y SEGA.

# 4
Name: Bjorn, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Steve, Unknown, Bill Clinton, Pikachu, how's the weather in Texas?
Would be cool if you used the same name on all the posts you make, instead of using different names to spread yer bs.

# 3
Name: Pikachu, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
...yeah right, (snickering)

# 2
Name: MeTaL=DeaTh, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
these are Jap game impressions,so when they arrive in the States and everywhere else,improvements will be made to all games

# 1
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
To be honest, the first time i played this game I was all over the place, smashing into walls, and having a really hard time trying to keep the car in a straight line.

Them I switched the control system to analog mode, using the L3 button I have the game alot easier, infact I really enjoy this game, I am now coming first on every track, and finding new tracks and cars. I think you had better play this game again using the analog control, you'll find it alot better! Truth me!!



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