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March 31, 2000

Spring Tokyo Game Show
Posted by @ 11:21 AM, EST
Neo, one of PS2 Central's foreign correspondents gives us his impressions of the show:

Friday 31 2000, Tokyo Toy show day. I was really looking forward to this show to see what Sony had up their sleeve. I arrived at the train station, all over the station there were Dreamcast posters, not a single Sony poster anywhere. I was a little concerned, as I walked closer to the show hall, I was again more Dreamcast poster and flags, not a single Sony poster anywhere.

I entered the main hall, and the first thing I was a massive Namco stand. I ran down the stair but to find that they where showing games already available in the store, Namco was showing nothing new. But the Namco girls were great, that's why I think the Namco stand was busy. People lining up to take pictures of the girls. I did :)

Facing the Namco stand was Tecmo soft, they were showing Dead or Alive 2, and nothing else really special. To be honest the show was a complete let down. There was nothing that I haven't already seen before. Square soft, Pro baseball, Pro wrestling, Type-s and a 10-second Video click on Final fantasy 9. Sony wasn’t showing anything really special. DJ TV was the only game showing that was not available in the stores. Fantavision, I.Q.+ were Sony's offerings.

Armored core 2 was probably the best looking unreleased PS2 game at the show, 2 machines linked up using the I-link on the PS2. This looked great, really an eye opener.

Sky Surfer, hmmm… the visuals are very pretty, the control system seems to need a little work, but this game is looking very promising.

Primal Image from Atlus is very strange. You take the form of a cameraman, taking pictures of girls on the beach or in a nightclub in different clothes. You get points for taking good pictures. The graphics are beautiful, this game is a really treat to the eyes.

The best thing about this show were the girls on show, check them out!

Capcom showing Street fighter EX3 but you already know at that. To be honest that's about all of it. A very disappointing show. I hate to say this, but the Dreamcast seemed to be a lot more interesting.

pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4, pic #5, pic #6, pic #7, pic #8, pic #9, pic #10, pic #11, pic #12, pic #13, pic #14

# 74
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 4, 2000 ip:
Hey we should name this site MARTIAL ARTS CENTRAL!
I do Tae Kwon Do.I wish i could see the wonderful things you saw in the Shaolin Temple.I like Martial Arts a lot.

# 73
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 4, 2000 ip:
I used to compete ALOT, back when I still lived on the east coast. Never took first place, though I came close once in Syracuse. I even went to the only real Shaolin Temple in New York and met the real, live Shaolin Monk there. He didn't look like you'd expect him to- he was in blue sweats with a pair of Nikes on. But he had the long hair in a braid though. I showed him some of my forms- he was mildly impressed, then he gave me some pointers and showed me and my Sefu some of his stuff. He was f**kin good. My Sefu was mildy impressed. Jeet Kune Do huh? Heard it was really fast...

As for RE:CV, I thought it was ok for the first few minutes. The graphix are pretty damn awesome. Then after I got used to it, I noticed it was just like RE2 and RE3, gameplay-wise, even though Capcom tried pretty hard to hide it under all the pretty graphix. I think I must've spent a total of 10 minutes on RE3 before I got sick of it, and like, 15-20 minutes on RE:CV. I'm just so sick of the same type of running around, shooting stuff, collecting keys. I'm gonna return it next Thursday, for sure. Don't even want to bother finishing it.

# 72
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 4, 2000 ip:
Ok Kituka, Cubby get ready....

Did that scare you or what? I'll take both you on at the same time with the moves I learned from VF. It doesn't look that hard, I mean come on....who can't flip upside down and kick someone underside the chin in a split second? Damn!

Hey, since this forum has gotten a bit off the topic of the TGS I won't feel bad starting a new debate: Man, I think RE: Code Veronica sucks! Honest. Now, before you start to think up flame names for me, let me explain. I was really looking forward to a groundbreaking RE. You know, new things possible with the DC's power. Not having to push a button to climb stairs, not having to watch that "loading door" time and time again. I already own this game, it's called RE2 for the PSX. The only thing that I saw improved in RE: CV was the graphics. I'll be the first to admit that the visuals are mind-blowing. Light sourcing, huge characters, fully 3-d environments....the works. Almost photo-realistic in the dark scenes! But after a while, I saw past that and saw the same old monotonous gameplay underneath. Copy the hawk emblem, stick it into the door, yawn yawn yawn!! Get into a room full of (suprise...zombies!), spray them down, find the key, repeat. Run down a hall and have dogs jump out at you, havn't we seen this before? Even the zombies getting shot have the same animations as the other games. A few of the later enemies are definitely cool, but few and far between.
Does anybody agree with me here? I returned this for Rayman2 and am at the moment enjoying that a lot more, it's not a chore to play. I guess I was expecting Capcom to stray just a bit from their chosen path, but just like the Street Fighter series, it seems they don't have the balls to take a chance.

# 71
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 4, 2000 ip:
Cubby, you do Wing Chun Kung Fu? Sweet. I've been doing Gung Fu too, Jeet Kune Do to be exact (you know, the art that Bruce Lee made known) for 8-9 years. Do you compete?

# 70
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:

Actually, I've been playing VF2 and VF3 for a while now, it's just that I don't really get a chance to fight any really good players where I live. Most of the time, I'm just fighting computers, and that strat seems to work pretty well for me against comps.

About the Smithsonian thing, yea, I heard about that a while back. But just because a game is more realistic doesn't mean it's more fun, or will generate more players than another game. I hightly doubt museums can be called a leading authority for videogames. The VF series is alot more realistic, I admit that. I practice Wing Chun kung fu (have been for over 4 years), which is exactly the same stuff that Xiaoyu does in Tekken Tag, and some of Lei's stuff as well, but when I do the stances, I doubt I'd ever be able to use them in the way the characters do in the game, 'cause honestly, I'd get my ass beat. Like Xiaoyu's flailing arms when she does her sunset fan attack- they'd never hit like that in real life, they were never designed to hit in that way. It's supposed to be more of a dodging move than an attack. Sort of like using an opponent's own power against them sort of thing, know what I mean?

In real life, I think the characters in VF would probably kick the snot outta most of the characters from Tekken, but hey, that's why it's a game- designed to be fun, furious, and flashy, with those little sparks that come out whenever your hits connect- but also keeping it realistic enough so it actually looks kinda authentic.

# 69
Name: Macca, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Thought you guys might want to know;
Sega's big announcement is that if you sign up for two years of their isp service you get a FREE Dreamcast. The story is at DailyRadar (and it's not April 1st).

# 68
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Fine argument Cubby. I suppose when it all comes down to it it's a matter of personal preference. It just frustrates me that more people don't appreciate the VF series more. No offense, but it seems to me that from the way you describe playing Jacky you just played it a few times. True?

--I don't know if any of you know this: A VF3 machine was adopted into the Smithsonian Arts Institute in Wash, D.C. for "outstanding accomplishment in simulation of hand to hand combat" or something of that sort (read it in Newsweek about a year ago). Now this strains the question: why not Tekken?

# 67
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
And about the Tekken vs VF issue. You keep saying Tekken is nothing but a buttong masher? I don't think you've even played the game long enuf if you think that. Take Hwoarang for example. You can mash buttons, but what will you get as a result? A few kicks? That's NOTHING. Try button mashing against me. I'll reverse yo ass so quick, you'll be flat on your back before you know it. And sure, Tekken has lots of 10-strings, but go watch any good player and see how many times they pull a 10-string during a match, chances are, they'll NEVER pull one because they almost never hit, plus they pretty much beg for a reversal.

And if you think you can button mash and still make use of Lei's 5 different animal stances (snake, panther, crane, tiger, dragon), then go ahead and try, you'd probably (again) end up on the floor. When you see Lei go to into snake stance, give you four low snake bites (extremely hard to block them all), change to panther stance and give you a fast uppercut, only to juggle you in the air with a fast 4-hit combo, followed by a crane stance stomping you on the ground, you'll see what I mean. Not to mention his drunken stance that rivals the one done by that old guy in VF. And that's just begginer's stuff. Not only does he look cool while doing it, it's actually very effective, which is more than I can say for some VF characters.

In VF, here's the strategy that works for me when I play Jacky. Fast hard knuckle that knocks em down. When they get up, mongolian foward kick, knocks em down again. Or knuckle and knee. That's it. I win most comps that way, but I can't even try them on human opponents, cause guess what, they're all playing Tekken. Sorry, but when I see people putting down Tekken and labeling it as a button masher/amateur type game, I really fail to see their reasoning. I don't know what you think, but I think combos and fast, furious, strategic gameplay is a GOOD thing.

# 66
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
I'm an AMATEUR? I've been playing games since the early 80's and I'm an amateur? I know when games are good, I know when other games surpass them. What's up with the name calling anyway? I have NOT been sold by Sony, ANY game company that has kickass games that spark my interest gets my money, simple as that. Sega got it with the Genesis, Nintendo got it with Snes, and now Sony's got the right stuff with Playstation.

FF on Snes was good, for its time. I'm as old-school a gamer as anybody, and can appreciate good old gameplay with 2d sprites. But I'll tell you right now, after playing through FF8, going back to FF6 was almost laughable. With new technology, comes better things. Sure, it's not always true (god knows, it's not true most of the time) but I have to admit it's true HERE.

You think those games you mentioned aren't enuf to warrant purchase of a PS2?? How about when Dreamcast came out? It only had one game (Soul Calibur) that truly stood out (for me), and still I bought it. ONE GAME. VF3? Almost every mag out there rates SC much better than VF3. One quality game shouldn't warrant purchase of any system, and yet it was ok for DC. How many games will the PS2 have at it's US launch? Think about that for a moment.

# 65
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
AcidEdge i respect your opinion.

# 64
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Okey, Irvin, one moment. Don�t you think i know Shen Mue and Sonic?! Maybe they rock. But rocking was in the sixties and i want the future, say 2001 to 2005. And that�s what i think of Sonic: it doesn�t have the bass i need! I think it doesn�t even rock. I had to play it. They would have killed me if i hadn�t played it. Although, i thought about not playing it. that�s what i think of sonic. about shen mue: i only saw a self running demo, so i won�t make the mistake to say it�s a bad game. it looks nice. this is all i know about it. the review�s at igndc said its good, so that�s what i think, just a good game. maybe you think the same about Ridge Racer V, what i think about sonic, but i love it. isn�t there anybody out there, who loves it too. if not, i�ll be the only one who buys a PS2 because of Ridge Racer V. Although i�m planning to purchase Bouncer too, and of course FFX & FFXI. Talking bout FF: well cubby here�s another cry-baby, Rinoa is really cute, when she�s dying...*ggg*
and andyfiasco, here are my favorite developers (pc & consoles together...)
1. Namco
2. Squaresoft
3. id-Software
these are all...

# 63
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Me personally i think VF3 has some good things TEKKEN3 doesnt, and TEKKEN3 has some good things VF doesnt.
Both games are good.None of them is better.

# 62
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Know why more people play Tekken than VF games? Virtua Fighter is a hard game to learn. If you're used to just jumping into a game, hitting a few buttons in succession and seeing some cool, 6 hit handstand combo, how are you going to react to VF's strategic play system where you actually need to know button/control combos? Not too good! You play a VF game, you need to know what moves work when, have perfect timing, different level ground requires different strategies...the depth is truly astounding. Virtua Fighter series, to be honest, requires skill. It is a completely different style of control, and once mastered it cannot be beat. Tekken and SC also require some degree of skill, however after many hours of playing VF3, they all just feel too shallow. I still play them because they give me the "no brainer kick the shit outta the other guy fun", but for real simulated fighting....nothing compares to Yu Suzuki's masterpieces.

P.S.-Devin, salute!

# 61
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
I don't own a PSX2 neither a DC but i think
they're both great consoles in their own right.
PSX2 will probably dominate a few game types and DC will.
I can almost hear you think 'game types?'
I mean racing, shoot 'm up and so on.

# 60
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Oh yeah, and you've been blinded too, if you think Sega's gonna make some huge groundbreaking announcement. It's gonna probably be big for a few people, but the rest of us won't give a shit.
Devin :)

# 59
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Okay, yeah, I'm quitting the bashing, you all have an opinion too. Well, I mean, we all DO look for different things in games. But I think we all are just a LITTLE biased, face it, what we've gone with in the past influences what we go with in the future, am I right? Well, I'm sticking with PS2 just because it's gonna rock. You can stick with Dreamcast because you think it's gonna rock, can't we all just get along? LoL
Devin :)

P.S. FF6 is boss, I don't go for graphics, I go for story.

# 58
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Okay, yeah, I'm quitting the bashing, you all have an opinion too. Well, I mean, we all DO look for different things in games. But I think we all are just a LITTLE biased, face it, what we've gone with in the past influences what we go with in the future, am I right? Well, I'm sticking with PS2 just because it's gonna rock. You can stick with Dreamcast because you think it's gonna rock, can't we all just get along? LoL
Devin :)

# 57
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Cubby, all I can say is you think you know your games, but in reality, you've been blinded. Just like many Sony fans, you think mediocre-at-best games are excellant, and when a truly excellant game is put before you, to you IT is mediocre. Tekken has more gameplay than VF3, or any VF for that matter?!?!?!?!? Typical hashish smokin' Sony lunatic, eh? You DON'T know what you're talking about, amateur. As for rapid button-mashing, Tekken wins hands down.

As for Bouncer, Munch's Odyssee, etc. these games are not impressive enough to warrant a PS2 purchase. They may look great, but do they completely eclipse the DC's offerings?- No, they don't. PS2 was ALL hype, and you've been sold by Sony. I haven't- I can tell good games from the bad still. That's why I can say VF eclipses Tekken any way you cut it, and why the FF series as it is today can't compete AT ALL with the previous FF offerings on the SNES/Famicon.

As for Sega fans, just wait till Tuesday when Sega makes that HUGE (hint, hint) announcement about the development of a new Sega company. You guys HAVE heard about the talks Sega and Microsoft have been having, right?...............
Sony will **** its pants, and I can't wait to see it!!!!!!

# 56
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Just one more thing. Why are people puting Soul Caliber up against Tekken Tag when they are bothe from the same company anyway?

# 55
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
At the end of the day, no matter what game you are playing, it's gameplay that always wins.

# 54
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Oh yea, and one more thing. All the games you listed as not "holy s**t" impressive are just that- HOLY S**T impressive. How is Bouncer not impressive? I had to pick my jaw up off the floor the first time I saw that game in action- tell me, in what other game can you and 2-3 of your friends simultaneously fight hoards of baddies in an almost-tekken style? Not to mention kicking baddies into chairs/tables/guardrails, breaking them in the process? All with no slowdown? First time I saw that video, it was almost like watching a real bar fight in the movies, how can that not be innovative? Munches Oddysee also looks pretty damn good, especially the AI. I really like how other characters in that game go about their business while you sneak around and do your thing, especially when there's so many onscreen at once- the sheer scale is mesmerizing.

And the kickass games that you mention for Dreamcast? I am sick of Sonic's little blue ass and his stupid attitude, as I've also been sick of Mario (recently), but at least his games almost always invent totally new genres everytime they are released. As for Quake 3, Half-Life, and Baldurs Gate, sure they'll be good when they finally get released for DC. But I already play them on my kickass PC right now, and they make great games during my LAN parties, but you can't even hook Dreamcasts together like in a LAN, and playing those games over the net with a 56k modem is a JOKE. Out of all the games you listed as kickass, the only ones I'd agree with you on are Phantasy Star Online, Ecco, and (to a lesser extent) Eternal Arcadia. But even they still can't take on the likes of Bouncer, TTT, Dark Cloud, Z.O.E., FFX, FFXI, GT2000, Unreal Tournament, and many, many others. Face it man, Dreamcast's future is kinda shaky, and if it weren't for Soul Calibur, DOA2, Power Stone, Resident Evil: CV, or (in other words) Namco's and Capcom's support, I'd have sold mine a while ago. Hell, even EA has jumped ship on Dreamcast.

# 53
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Kituka, you have serious issues if you think VF3 is better gameplay-wise than TTT. Go to any local arcade and see which one is being played more- in my local arcade the crowds are not around the VF3 machine, guess which one they're playing? I have a Dreamcast and Virtua Fighter 3, and I still play Tekken 3 on PS ALOT more than that game, and so do my friends when they come over- hell, we still stay up LATE nights playing Tekken 3. And I doubt we are "inexperienced gamers", I'm confident I can wipe the floor with you in Tekken. Virtua Fighter 3 is NOT deeper than Tekken 3, I don't know where you get your ideas from, but Lei Wulong in Tekken 3 takes the cake for an extremely deep character (not to mention simply awesome to watch in action when controlled by a Tekken master, ie me.) And the backgrounds in TTT for PS2 are NOT scrolling 2d, again, you have issues if you think they are. Yes, the fights still take place on a "tile" of sorts and you cannot interact with the backgrounds, but you never could in the arcade and this was meant to be a port of the arcade. And like I said before a few articles down, interactive 3D backgrounds wouldn't work with Tekken Tag as it is- what if you were sidestepping a deathfist from Paul, only to bump into a car or on-looker? Paul's fist would still floor you, even though you did a sidestep in time to avoid it. Dreamcast only DREAMS it can do those kinds of backgrounds. Soul Calibur is great, I love it, but even I admit TTT surpasses it (Tekken is deeper/faster in my opinion). But I think you can't really compare the two, because their gameplay is so different from eachother.

And why did you have to go and put down Final Fantasy? FF6 was good FOR ITS TIME, many people fail to realize this, but as of right now, if I were to choose between FF6 and FF8, I'd go for eight. I'm sorry, but you can't do a game with 16-bit, super-deformed sprites and expect it to have the same cinematic impact as awesome full motion video, some scenes just require FMV, it's simple as that. Many think FF8 was crap, hell, I thought it was freakin awesome, some scenes in there almost brought me to tears (yes, so I'm a wuss- so what), NO 16-bit super-deformed sprites can EVER have that same impact, there's no denying that. Dreamcast is great, but PS2 will be better (for me) because it has the developers that I love.

And lastly, I'm sure Sony was quiet at TGS because it's saving all it's good stuff for E3. They need all the hype they can get for the US market, considering they haven't even announced ANYTHING official about the US launch yet. They're not as stupid as you make them out to be, cause if they were, their Playstation would be dead by now, but in the light of Dreamcast, it's still alive and kicking (FF9, anyone?)

# 101
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 3, 2000 ip:
Chaborf, the script was an April Fools joke?!?!?!? Really??? Whew, thank God!!! Reading it I got to thinking Lucas had been puffing on his cheeba too often- good thing I was wrong.

# 77
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
My favorite game(console)developers are:

1. Sega, no contest.
2. Nintendo
3. Konami of Japan
4. Capcom
5. Sega
6. Sega
7. Sega

Favorite PC developers:

1. Interplay
2. Maxis
3. Relic
4. Valve
5. Blizzard

Hey Kituka....
Yea, I read that episode 2 script. Read the last sentence, it said it was an April fools joke. Got me pretty worried though. You never know-the way Lucas is going, DailyRadar's script might even be better than what Lucasfilm comes up with. Haha! Maybe I'll go see it just to laugh my ass off. Well, at least we have the first two REAL Star Wars movies to enjoy.

# 50
Name: Hwoarang, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
i'm the 50th post...yes! what do i win! damnit, i want a prize.

# 49
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Yeah,thats intresting!Kituka,tried to "save picture as" the pic with the announcement?The file name is "ps2sucks1".This is the numper 1.I wonder if there is a numper 2.But i mostly wonder what sega is hiding under this announcement.WOW I AM GETTING EXCITED.I hope it has nothing to do with Microsoft though.

# 48
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Yes indeed,a vf4 is possible from this new "sega company".Thanks Kituka.

# 47
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
The link I gave leads to the homepage, so just scroll down through the news until you find the headline "Something Big Is Going Down at Sega On April 4th."

# 46
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Irvin, to see what I'm talking about go to It says "a new Sega company"- so it probably has nothing to do with VF4. Just wait till E3 for that one and some other HUGE announcements. As for new hardware and their plans for the're getting hotter.
Also, there's always the possibility that Sega is forming a new branch that will develope games for competing platforms.....after all, "a new Sega company" would probably do something like that, wouldn't they?

# 45
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
I hope its a new VF4.It's been a long time since something new .

# 44
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Kituka, just being curious.Does SEGA's anouncment on April 4 has to do with software or hardware?I am not asking to tell me what the anouncement is but what does it have to to with.PLEASE PLEASE PLAESE....?Let me guess.Does it have to do WITH VF4?

# 43
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Chaborf, you're the man. It's good to see people that know the good games from the bad.

VF3? That game rules in depth of gameplay!!! Yea, VF4 will wipe the slate with Tekken's ass, no doubt about that at all.

Hey, have you gone to They have the complete script to Episode II: The Nature of the Sith........and things are looking very, very pitifully bad for Star Wars fans. It just hit me now- it could be an April fools joke!!! I don't know- go over and read it for yourself.

# 42
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Devin, jabronie, I DO go to a Sega forum. As for all the name-calling and the bashing of my opinions, just cut it out. Look, I can also do what you've been doing:

Devin, you dimple-nutted cocksucking obsessed Sony fan, just go to another Sony forum and take your biased ass there. That's right, mother****er- don't just stare at these words, do what I'm telling you.

I didn't mean what I just said, Devin. I'm just trying to tell you that we all have a right to an opinion- maybe we'll be able to see eye to eye from now on.

As for X-Box, you're just an ignorant individual if you go around dissing the power of Microsoft. With money and marketing strength that can easily put Sony to shame, they aren't to be taken lightly. Hell, if they give Squaresoft enough greenbacks (like Sony did years ago), they'll have them all to themselves. Heck, Namco, Konami, Ubi Soft, Capcom, and other prominant developers have said that they'll support the machine. Who WOULDN't want to?!?!?!? Microsoft has name recognition unlke anybody else. Speaking of which, which company do you think was #1 in Fortune Magazine's Top 500 companies?.....yup, Microsoft.

As for DC vs. PS2, just look at the TGS. Sega rocked, Sony sucked. This years' E3?- Sega will do the same. How do I know? Well, let's just say I know of a huge announcement that Sega will make on April 4- believe me, Sony will **** its pants.

# 41
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Devin, jabronie, I DO go to a Sega forum. As for all the name-calling and the bashing of my opinions, just cut it out. Look, I can also do what you've been doing:

Devin, you dimple-nutted cocksucking obsessed Sony fan, just go to another Sony forum and take your biased ass there. That's right, mother****er- don't just stare at these words, do what I'm telling you.

I didn't mean what I just said, Devin. I'm just trying to tell you that we all have a right to an opinion- maybe we'll be able to see eye to eye from now on.

As for X-Box, you're just an ignorant individual if you go around dissing the power of Microsoft. With money and marketing strength that can easily put Sony to shame, they aren't to be taken lightly. Hell, if they give Squaresoft enough greenbacks (like Sony did years ago), they'll have them all to themselves. Heck, Namco, Konami, Ubi Soft, Capcom, and other prominant developers have said that they'll support the machine. Who WOULDN't want to?!?!?!? Microsoft has name recognition unlke anybody else. Speaking of which, which company do you think was #1 in Fortune Magazine's Top 500 companies?.....yup, Microsoft.

As for DC vs. PS2, just look at the TGS. Sega rocked, Sony sucked. This years' E3?- Sega will do the same. How do I know? Well, let's just say I know of a huge announcement that Sega will make on April 4- believe me, Sony will **** its pants.

# 40
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Wait a second .If PS2 and Dreamcast were released at the same time which one would have had the most fans?PS2 was just released a month ago and Dreamcast, 2 years ago.Why do you blame PS2 for not having super games like Shen Mue,Sonic adventure,e.t.c.PS2 first games easily compete the DC new games like DOA2,SEGAGT,e.t.c.
Comparing those first PS2 titles with the first DC titles the PS2 is a winner.And just imagine PS2 capabilities are only used around 5% if i am correct.DOA2 uses very much of the DC power but almost nothing of the PS2 power.
Wait until PS2 becomes a 2 year console too and then we talk again.

# 39
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Here is my opinion about TTT vs Soul calibur.
Graphically: TTT better than SC almost look like CGI.
Gameplay:TTT better than SC but not miles away.Almost identical fun
Sound:Well TTT has some nice tracks and i like Kings the most.The music fits perfectly to the Tekken world but i think SC has more depth(actually the music from soul blade has more depth and creates a better feeling.Namco should have done it better with Soul Calibur).
Originality:The Tag feature and some small adds to the game made it better than TEKKEN3.The moves affect differently now especially Pauls.I use to make a Pauls move on T3 that was too unfair.The opponent couldnt block it easily.(elbow hit then kick that the opponent lost his feet from the ground and then an elbow hit again).Now the game is a bit different now and needs more stradegy.I need more tactic now in TTT.Bit the basic of TTT remains the same.Just like the previous Tekkens.
Soul Calibur originality is better than TTT.Its almost a different game than Soul blade.They added so many things that you dont feel this game is a sequel of Soul Blade.Side stepping,changing stands,weapons change shape(sword changing to wip with blades),e.t.c.
But originality doesnt always mean better gameplay.

I like TTT more than SC because it has more characters,a tag mode that makes the game more fun,its fast(faster than SC in my opinion),needs more tactic e.t.c.
Oh!I just remembered SC is too easy.Me and a friend when playied the game for the first time we completed it without using any coninue.

Thats my opinion!

# 38
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
andyfiasco, here is my opinion about developers
sega 9/10
namco 9/10
squaresoft 10/10
nintendo 9/10
capcom 8/10
Top 5
4.squaresoft(sometimes they make the best games but sometimes not.Rarely they make games too.)

# 37
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
AcidEdge Shen Mue and Sonic adventure are great Dreamcast games.They rock.

# 36
Name: andyfiasco, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
i love the way this board has turned into a slagging match! n e way i just want to know how everyone rates game developers. what is evryones top 5 game developers?

mine are

n e 1 agree or disaggree lets hear your point...

# 35
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Kituka Final Fantasy a plot lacking game?Are you crazy?
And VF3 is more dificult to play not because you have to be a good player but because the controls are too tight.I ve plaied the game and i had lots of fun playing it but the controls werent easy to use.Its the way the use of the buttons are placed not because its a game that needes skill.Also they use an AI so intelligent some times you cant do a thing to bit your enemy.But ok its a great game.
TTT its not a game for inexperienced players.I have TEKKEN3 and i am now a master of the game.I thought that TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT would be as easy as TEKKEN3.But i kept losing on the 3rd stage until i realised that the moves were affecting differently than TEKKEN3(MORE REALISTICALLY).

# 34
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Yeah. Okey get down again. I have only three game series, i love. those are Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy an Soulblade. It�s quite difficult for me to be honest, because i love Ridge Racer that much. So whatever comes, i�m going to get a PlayStation2, whatever anybody says. maybe i�ll buy a dreamcast too, just for soulcalibur (i don�t know any other good game on the DC...). could be that i�m wrong...

# 33
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
(Sigh)....I don't know. It ain't looking good for Sony at ALL. The only games that I am interested at all that have been announced are Onimusha and a new Metal Gear. TWO GAMES! I sure hope Sony has something big up their sleeves. SEGA, quite frankly, has been kicking butt ever since the DC release. AS much as I love SEGA, I would love to see the PS2 succeed but I don't see Sony doing ANYTHING right so far. Is it really a smart move for them to keep all their developers tight-lipped about their projects? I agree that too much hype can be a bad thing.....but we at least need something here. With games like Sky surfer, Fanta-whatever, RRV, Tekken been there before, Type sh!t racing(Square, stick to RPGs), etc......SONY will have to pay me to play these! This is worriesome. Well, at the very worst I'll have a cool DVD drive.....and I believe the price of a brand new PS2 is worth it just to play a new MG.

# 32
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
But which has the better games?
DC or PS2?

# 31
Name: Wiseguy, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
For all those people who has only one of the 2 systems(ps2,DC) I gotta tell you this I have 2 of the systems and I think both has its good and bad points. The PS2 have polygon counts superior to the dc it can use those polygons for backgrounds and characters and stuff but games don't really look that good, in fact the jagged edges is rather disturbing. I have both versions of DOA2, the ps2 has more stages and I think more characters and minor changes but I think the DC version looks better, no jagged edges here. I bought PS2 because I thought it will be very good because of all the hype but it is quite dissapointing. The best game so far for me is RRV , TTT is not really that good, I bought partly for the nice endings it had in the past series but I was dissapointed. The endings are not cgs and the quality isn't have as good as the past. I think even the endings for DOA2 are better. Don't be surprised if Square leave sony for one of the future systems, they did it to Nintendo. But I really hope a FF game for PS2 would come out soon. And please do not underestimate the DC, really great games are coming out to compete with the PS2. Okay gotta go play my Marvel vs Capcom, DOA2 and TTT now bye.
I love console wars at the end it is we who benefit.

# 30
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Devin, it is quite apparent how lame you are. You insult Kituka with names, after what.....he shares his opinions? Get off his back, he has some very credible points. Try debating with him with some intelligence for once, without calling him names. You sir, are the true loser.
Kituka, I totally agree with you on both your FF and VF3 opinions. The last FF I enjoyed was FF3 for the SNES, all that have come since are jokes. Like that Phantom Menace: Pretty visuals, no more. If Square doesn't seriously evaluate it's priorities....they are not even going to be a threat. As for VF, way to go man! I still think VF3 is the best fighter out. Maybe not the best graphics wise, but it's got it where it counts. Can't wait for VF4.

# 29
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
Shut up, and get on a Sega board, Kituka. stop wasting Playstation 2 fans' time.

# 28
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 2, 2000 ip:
The future couldn't be brighter for Sony and thire new baby. I've been following progress right from when PS1 was launched, and it's just getting better all the time. I still enjoy my Playstation and it will never forgoten how it was and still is a very cool package with loads of great games available. Even now, the games are still coming in. I've just bought GT2: THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATER! Awsome! is all I can say about it. Moving on now. As this site is dedicated to PS2, I would like to make a point about the backward compatability. This is more importent than some might think. Gamers like me would not want to get rid of the old favourites like Gran Turismo for example. The PSX will stay with me for a few more years until The PS2 becomes more affordable.

# 27
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Devin, you're an idiot, jabronie.

# 26
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Oh yeah, and get your Sega obsessed ass to a Sega board, fag.


# 25
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Oh, and I can see how credible you are, using stupid Pro-Wrestling slang at the end of sentences. Ooooo, wow, I'm so scared of a red-neck hick who watches guys in Spandex "wrassle" with each other. Takes a real genius to watch that stuff...


# 24
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Dark Cloud a Zelda rip-off? I think you're thinking Evergrace there, punk. I don't seem to remember Zelda having a mode where you could make your own worlds, and then run around in them. I don't seem to remember Zelda ever being anything more than a run-around-aimlessly-for-no-reason game. I thought it sucked. Famitsu has no credibility in my eyes. They rate everything way too high. Pretty amazing how much it sucked.

Oh, I need to go on? Let's see......
Ring Of Red, GT2K, Metal Gear Solid 2 (which hasn't been shown, but will be good no matter what), Kessen, Onimusha, Halo, Oni, Getaway, Midnight Racing, Wild Wild Racing, Armored Core 2, ESPN Pro Snowboarding, SSX, Dynasty Warriors 2, Extermination, FIFA 2001, Madden NFL 2001, World Soccer 2000, yeah, that'd about be it. Dreamcast has, what, Shenmue and Grandia 2, Baldur's Gate, and Quake III? Oooooo, amazing crap! Dude, you need to take a pill, because obviously PS2 is gonna win this one.........

# 23
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
I've played PS2 a couple times, since my friend in Columbus got one imported. TTT does have scrolling backgrounds- download any movie on the net and watch yourself. If TTT is that good, then maybe it should have been rated better than Soul Calibur in Famitsu, don't you think?

And yes, you do need to go on..... the games you listed......SUCK!!!

FF? Gee, maybe you haven't realized that these are plot-lacking, graphics-laden games meant to cash in on a franchise that's deteriorated since the SNES days.

TTT? HAA!!!!!! A fighting game for inexperienced gamers.....if you want depth, and a game that takes months, even years to master, go play Virtua Fighter. I'd drag your hairy ass all over the arcade, jabronie.

Dark Cloud? A Zelda:Ocarina of Time rip-off if there ever was one. And you know what? It won't even be better than the previously mentioned 64-bit game......cause Miyamoto can do more with 64 bits than dimple nuts Kuturagi and his geeks at Sony can do with 128. To beat Zelda, they will have to create a near-flawless product (got a 40 from Famitsu)- they won't.

Sega is a threat to Sony now. Before, Sony thought they had the cat in the bag. Now, a couple recalls and several crappy games later, people are starting to see through Sony's enchantment. PS2 was ALL hype and hardly delivered. Live with it, jabronie.

# 22
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Oh yeah! And PS2 has a couple more things going for it. I have Cable Internet running into my house, it's damn fast. PS2 will use Cable Modems. Dreamcast has 56k, what's up with that? Why use Dreamcast's sucky 56k modem when I can walk 20 ft to my computer, and download anything 5,000x faster? Also, Dreamcast can't play internet movies, or midis, stuff like that. I sure hope the PS2 does (which it should, it supports MPEG-2 Files, and more).

Also, another thing PS2 has running for it.... A little known company called SQUARESOFT.

That's my $0.02
Devin :)


# 21
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Ya know, I have no harsh feelings against Sega, I just bought a Genesis, I love it! I'm borrowing a Dreamcast from my friend soon, so I'm not totally biased. I think both machines have good things going for them. I just think Sega rushed it just to get it out first, which there is no problem with, but still... They MIGHT add a DVD player, but it will be about $200 more to do that. Wow, that would make the Dreamcast MORE expensive than a PS2, and the PS2 is more powerful of a machine (DON'T DENY IT, ALL DEVELOPERS SAY IT).

Lei, you rock dude!!!!! X-Box?!? WHO THE HELL IS GONNA BUY THAT? I think Microsoft doesn't need to get in the console market, they're gonna get creamed, and I think the Dolphin will too....
Why don't Sega and Sony just combine forces, and crush the opposition? Although, competition is a healthy thing :)

That's my $0.02
Devin :)

P.S. Kituka, you suck, man

# 20
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
I'm sorry, but some of you seem like total retards. Tombo, where do you get your info? A Cracker Jack box? Well, lemme tell you something, there are recordable DVDs out there now, they're just too expensive, but the price WILL come down. DVDs may be, what, $2-$10 more than VHS (I get my DVDs from Amazon), but I'd rather pay that much money more for better sound, better picture, and something that will run on my PS2. I have 3 Dolby Digital Systems. Comparing VHS to DVD is like comparing Playstation 2 to NES, yeah, that big of a difference. Have you ever even watched one?

Well, Sony did make a VERY weak appearance, but they don't say anything about other companies, did you notice that? This is just Sony's booth. One great thing about Sony is its 3rd Party support. I've gone to other sites, and they have all sorts of PS2 stuff from other developers of PS2 games. Sony has no REAL big franchises that are developed by just Sony. They have Konami, and Square, you know, stuff like that. Sony wouldn't make much of a strong showing, duh! Those were the only games Sony is making right now, and you have to look at it this way, Japanese people have different likes/dislikes than us. They're into all sorts of different things, they'd probably go Ga-Ga over TVDJ, and IQ+. You're TOTALLY comparing Oranges to Apples when comparing our societies.

Kituka, you just suck. Dude, the system hasn't even come out in the US yet. We don't even know what is coming out in the US at launch. I seem to remember the PS2 launch in Japan being VERY popular. More popular than your precious Dreamcast. As I said before, Japanese have different interests in games. Have you even played a PS2 yet? No? Well, then SHUT UP! You want to hear about games that are "Holy Shit!!!" impressive? Try FFX, FFXI, Z.O.E., Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Yeah, it's damn impressive), Tekken TT (Don't give me that 2D background bullshit, it ain't gonna work here, I've played it, it's better than any Dreamcast game, even Soul Caliber, what a crock), Square's Baseball Game, Dark Cloud (Damn, have you ever seen that?), The World Is Not Enough, Need I go on?

I passed on Dreamcast because the hardware is, limited, not because of bad games (There are good games for Dreamcast). I'm going for the PS2 because I've had great experiences with Sony. Sony has good customer relations. They listen to the consumer, they gives us what we want. Sony put out a kick-ass system, it's got the Third Party support, and they haven't even tapped a fraction of the power of the PS2 yet. That's why I'm buying a PS2 the day it comes out.
That's my $0.02!
Devin :)

P.S. And don't go saying I'm biased, I think Dreamcast has some good games coming out, too! Maybe I'll buy one some day, you'll never know! :)

# 19
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Couldn't you just put a 'Danger: drooling on
keyboard at own risk' or something!?

# 18
Name: tombo, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
i hope sony can start an online gaming environment like sega have. i belive that the DVD route they have taken is insane! surely the internet is far more important that dvd, its the info superhighway, u can connect against pc gamers and its surely the next gaming generation. i feel its much more exciting to b head to head with japanese gamers and american gamers to see whos the best etc. a 2player with an unknown entity is much more exciting. DVD is being overhyped. i mean, the quality is much better than home video, but so what? its not like the home video was bad? plus theres a minute selection of DVD films, theyre certainly not cheaper and u cannot record onto them, well yet but the ps2 is a games machine. whos gonna be watching films? please sony get online gaming going now and very very soon! before the ps2 is in risk of flopping (hardly likely though!)

# 17
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Hi all, I wasn't able to take any pictures of the games, all around the TV's where sign's telling you not to take pictures. The reason, I took pictures of the girls was to cheer you guys up!

Next time I go to a show I'll take some pictures of the floor, maybe them your realise that I was unable too take pictures of the games.

oh yeah the backgrounds in TTT are beautiful 3D backgrounds...nothing like this has been seen on the DC.


# 16
Name: andyfiasco, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
i believe this shows the problem sony has with the ps2. they could find themselves in a whole load of trouble with the way that the console, i belive, has been overhyped at the moment. the sales in japan reflect sonys excellent marketing knowhow. they didnt do anything because they had nothing to show. the sales of PS2 are so great because this machine has been hyped ever since the first pllaystation. the problem i feel is where there are constant, consistent reports that the ps2 is very difficult to develop for. it is far too advanced for anyone to take advantage of the capabilities because nobody has developed a game requiring this kind of advanced hardware. in fact its been detrimental. ridge racer V being an example where the cars are far too shiny in a desperate attempt to show off the capabilities. Sega have put far far more into DC in an effort to get back to the top and i belive that both they and namco to a lesser extent monopolise that arcade scene which is the only indication of games of this power, all of which are easily replicated on the dreamcast. the DC is good enough for the moment. the problem with sony is that THEY can't make games. they wont have any sega or nintendo games on their machines, but i suppose competition is healthy for the market. less money on marketing, advertising and general bullshitting and more on development and getting the price of the hardware down, especially the games.

# 15
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
One more thing.Check Z.O.E at Gamespot.This game really rocks.Reminds me of Omega Boost only 100 times better.

# 14
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
I just checked Phantasy Star online from Gamespot and saw many jagged edges,And when i say many i MEAN THE GAME WAS FULL WITH THEM.Did anyone say anything about it?NO.Its strange people only give attention to PS2 "problematic" graphics.DC games are more problematic.Gamespot even said that Jet Set Radio is looking impressive and its one of the coolest looking games on the DC.If that game looks good then Eternal Ring looks better than Shen Mue(?)!

# 13
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Kituka,Lei has some point here.

# 12
Name: Lei, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Kituka my friend, TTT:s backgrounds scrolling 2D? Have you seen the game? The backgrounds are leagues better than anything on the DC, goto dailyradar and download the videos :�)

And the PS2 has a huge amount of great titles coming out too, it's just the early days, the developers are yet to get to grips with the hardware and the next waves will bring in a lot of quality.

PS2 and DreamCast both rule, PS2 just a bit more, having the games that interest me more, this is again all down to people's personal opinions :�) The only console that truly will suck is X-Box, to hell with it :�)

# 11
Name: Lei, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Kituka my friend, TTT:s backgrounds scrolling 2D? Have you seen the game? The backgrounds are leagues better than anything on the DC, goto dailyradar and download the videos :�)

And the PS2 has a huge amount of great titles coming out too, it's just the early days, the developers are yet to get to grips with the hardware and the next waves will bring in a lot of quality.

PS2 and DreamCast both rule, PS2 just a bit more, having the games that interest me more, this is again all down to people's personal opinions :�) The only console that truly will suck is X-Box, to hell with it :�)

# 10
Name: Bjorn, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Steve, Unknown, Bill Clinton, how's the weather in Texas?
Would be cool if you used the same name on all the posts you make, instead of using different names to spread yer bs.
Neo wasn't allowed to take any shots from the TVs with the games.

# 9
Name: Steven, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
ummm...why do the pictures predominantly show pictures of women rather than games, is that the major interest in the Tokyo Game Show, the woman? I don't think so! I expect these photographers to start thinking with their heads rather than with their dicks!

# 8
Name: MeTaL=DeaTh, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
no they don't need a strong showing because you say they do,your comments are as inaccurate as they come Kituka. you throw up DC game superiority as if you developed them though you've never played them. if sales are all that matters to you,the PSX is still outselling the DC by a substantial margin and if you haven't noticed the PS2 is only released in Japan. being an underdog has nothing to do with Sony coming out with a console at a later date either. if the PS2 games were dissappointments,why is it that they are top sellers in Japan?? i don't recall seeing bad reviews of them as well,show me how that makes them dissappointing? plus you never brought up anything about DC's launch problems and lack of games then. all systems start off with problems so don't just think PS2 was the only console with a it's only your opinion (of course you must see in the future or something) that upcoming PS2 games are not biased view...

# 7
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Of course they needed to make a strong showing here. They're the underdogs now- with 5.8 million DC's sold worldwide (go to, with a TON of triple AAA titles coming in the year, and with the online gaming that is already in use (what's up now, Sony???), it's Sony that needs to fight the hardest.

Come on- the Japanese PS2 was faulty and the games were BIG disappointments. TTT? The backgrounds are scrolling 2D, for God's sake!!! Soul Calibur on DC is tons better.

Sony will have to fight an uphill battle. NONE of it's software (including Munch's Oddysee, Bouncer, etc.) is "Holy Shit!!!!" impressive.

DC's games, on the other hand, rock. Phantasy Star On-Line, Shenmue, Eternal Arcadia, Quake III On-Line, Half-Life On-Line, Baldurs Gate On-Line, Ecco:Defender of the Future, Sonic Adventure 2......starting to get the picture? It's Sony that's between a rock and a hard place, not Sega.

# 6
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 1, 2000 ip:
Of course they needed to make a strong showing here. They're the underdogs now- with 5.8 million DC's sold worldwide (go to, with a TON of triple AAA titles coming in the year, and with the online gaming that is already in use (what's up now, Sony???), it's Sony that needs to fight the hardest.

Come on- the Japanese PS2 was faulty and the games were BIG disappointments. TTT? The backgrounds are scrolling 2D, for God's sake!!! Soul Calibur on DC is tons better.

Sony will have to fight an uphill battle. NONE of it's software (including Munch's Oddysee, Bouncer, etc.) is "Holy Shit!!!!" impressive.

DC's games, on the other hand, rock. Phantasy Star On-Line, Shenmue, Eternal Arcadia, Quake III On-Line, Half-Life On-Line, Baldurs Gate On-Line, Ecco:Defender of the Future, Sonic Adventure 2......starting to get the picture? It's Sony that's between a rock and a hard place, not Sega.

# 5
Name: MeTaL=DeaTh, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
Sony don't need to make a strong showing here or anywhere in fact to impress anyone,PS2 sales at launch were great,it's Sega that needs the help (with not so good sales of DC units in Japan recently),so maybe this will give them a boost there... what's up with the "..make" remark Irvin?? how funny

# 4
Name: Iron Curtain, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
Unknown: If it's an April Fool's joke, seems to be making the same joke.

All I could say is that I'm really, REALLY disappointed with Sony's lax attitude in the show. Does Sony WANT the PS2 to fail? Do they feel that the future is set in stone? WHAT IS SONY'S PROBLEM?

Then again, this IS Japan, where people are going nuts over the PS2 and the DC isn't doing as well, so Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. probably feels like they don't have to do much to impress anybody. Unfortunately, Sega's Tortoise beat out Sony's Hare in this round...Yet again, I'm disappointed.

# 3
Name: unknown, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
is the Tokyo Game Show an April Fool's joke? i think it is. I mean, is it really happening or not???

# 2
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
Sony has to make some comercials AND FAST!!!

# 1
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: March 31, 2000 ip:
Stop blowing Sega off.........they're not going anywhere. PS2 hasn't made people completely forget DC....quite the opposite in fact.

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