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April 4, 2000

King of the PS2 Fighters
Posted by @ 2:44 PM, EDT
Gamefan kicked up an article where they compare DOA2, TTT and SFEX3 to see which is the winner.
Here’s a slice:

Gameplay: Dead or Alive 2
Ah, yes, perhaps the most import factor in any fighting game…gameplay. Most fighting games have their own distinct flavor when it comes to control, but only a few really get the blood pumping and offer a true extension of your actions on-screen. This, my friends, is where Dead or Alive 2 excels; the gameplay's ultra-smooth, and is incredibly easy to pick up. No quarter-circle fireball motions here--just some plain and simple kick-punch variations. I have to admit that Tekken’s combo-heavy tap-tap-tap fighting system did grow on us, but when push comes to shove, DOA 2 is still the modern-day fighting king.

Full article

# 13
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 6, 2000 ip:
Yup thats true.Thats what everybody is saying anyway.

# 12
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 6, 2000 ip:
Dead or Alive isn't the best PSX2 Fighter.
No. It just isn't. Tekken Tag Tournament is.
Yes. It is. Street Fighter EX3 also isn't.
It doesn't suck but it doesn't rock either.

# 11
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 6, 2000 ip:
You are right, Dick, I haven't played TTT yet, but it is looking pretty good though.

# 10
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
I still say, anyone who thinks Tekken's gameplay isn't as good as DOA2, or as deep, or that Tekken's motion capture isn't as good as Soul Calibur's, just take GOOD gander at a PRO Lei Wulong player. I almost GUARANTEE you will change your mind once you see his incredibly fast "snakebites" from his snake stance and his crane stance from where he does that funny ass looking (but very authentic) combo.

And if that doesn't change your mind, just get a load of him going into dragon stance and doing that funny throw where he grabs you by the head and swirls it around a few times, ending with a double fist to the mid section, and while the opponent goes tumbling away, he immediately takes the opportunity to "drink" from an imaginary jug of wine and then goes into a KICKASS drunken stance- he even gains a good bit of energy from the "drink"!

I swear, no other fighting game has a character of this caliber and depth, all while being extremely effective as well. I think I should pull off some of his best stuff and then put it all into a video and post it somewhere, maybe on my hompage- I know almost for certain that it'll prove Tekken Tag as the most kickass fighting game in existence.

# 9
Name: Richard, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
Oh and the counters are too easy , you have nearly a two second long window of opportunity after hitting the button to counter a move and don't even bother with the "free steps" becouse it doesn't help in fights and the stages are dissapointingly small. The only enjoyable part of DOA is repeatedly beating someone against the wall and pissing them off. Back to game play DOA will be most appreciated by novices and Tekken by hardcore gamers so I'd definitely have to suggest that Gamefan do something about using the words hardcore and enthusiest to describe themselves

# 8
Name: Richard, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
This evaluation of the two games(fuck ex) is completely rediculous. Gamefan said that DOA on dreamcast had better graphix than soul caliber even though no matter how I'd adjust my tv everything was too bright , the characters always looked like Micheal Jackson. It's supposed to be a video game not a damn hype william's production , there were hardly any visible details on the characters but instead everyone is painfully luminescent with some hideous clothes(can you say "Electric Boogaloo Breaker"). You said the backgrounds were better but even considering how screenshots can decieve DOA looked very flat and dull compared to TTT much like the characters , or maybe I just wasn't distracted by that signature bounce of DOA.
Even if my eyes were playing tricks on me TTT and even T3 have superior gameplay to DOA if you can find an opponent of equal skill(one of my only problems) , with DOA you play for 30 minutes and there is really no room to progress any further , it's just that easy . The characters are also unbalanced considering how completely unstoppable Jan Lee is(it's now completely unfair to my friends for me to choose him). That sense of fulfillment after mastering link throws is gone now that that is acomplished with only a glance at the instructions . TTT is easily the better game. TTT is that deep , intelligent , understanding , and beautiful girl that may not give in quite as soon but gets more beautiful every time you see her , while DOA is that skank at the corner that'll give it up to anyone at anytime of the day , she'll do for a couple of minutes ... uhm I mean hours , but your still going home to TTT . In short who do you want Halle Berry or Howard Stern tramp #978.

# 7
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
Dick, I think we all pretty much know how Tekken Tag plays even if we haven't played the PS2 version- it IS out in the arcades you know. I've played it alot, and I've also played DOA2, and I agree that the Gamefan guys must not be getting enuf from their women (if they had any.) Tekken Tag is MUCH better than DOA2 in the gameplay department, and thanks to the PS2, it soon will be in the graphics department as well.

After playing Tekken, go play DOA2 and you'll realize the characters aren't quite as deep (no, not that kind, get ur mind outta the gutter) gameplay wise- MUCH less moves per character, simpler combos, fewer styles, and fewer ranges.

And I think it's kinda stupid how the girl fighters fight in some of the clunkiest clothing I've ever seen- wouldn't that just get in your way when you fight? Those long dresses should be tripping them up more than their opponents could ever hope to. Plus those girls just plain look weak, I mean, look at Nina from Tekken and compare to Kasumi from DOA2- Nina just plain LOOKS tougher, she's built almost like a man (check out her PS2 ending.) I can't even imagine some of those little girlies taking on big hulking brutes like Gun Jack or someone similar. At least Xiaoyu's moves are authentic, I can confirm that as I do the same style of kung fu as she does. And she fights in warm ups, and competition suits, not evening gowns (ok Anna does too, but she's nasty and just plain stupid.)

# 6
Name: Dick, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
Phillip (comment #2) how can you say "Gameplay is what makes a game great and TTT has it by the truck load. The graphics look stunning too." They say.."I can't wait to play this one!"
It you haven't played the game we don't need to hear from you. I have no idea what game will be the best of these 3 because I have only played one of them. I can say that I hope when I get a chance to play DOA2 and TTT there are better then SFEX3. In saying that, I have never been a big fan of the Street Fighter games.

# 5
Name: Steve, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
This is for the cock boys at gamefan. Each of you should be fucked up the ass for such a gay article. One of your categories was which game has more accurate panty shots! Some bitch ass bastards. Kasumi and every other gir in the article are fuck girls, that's all they do. So to the crappy doa2 and gamefan magazine, up yours pussy punk bitches.

# 4
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
Sex sells.Do they think using their head or their dickhead?

# 3
Name: P-dog, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
how dare they!!!!!! mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

# 2
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 5, 2000 ip:
Tekken is, by far, better than any other in the world. TTT's intuitive controle system is a cut-thust-kick above all others - including DOA2. Gameplay is what makes a game great and TTT has it by the truck load. The graphics look stunning too. I can't wait to play this one!

# 1
Name: J-dog, E-mail: , Date: April 4, 2000 ip:
How dare any speak bad on Tekken. That is the best franchise of all times. You slap some sluts on a game and try to sell as top notch. So what tekken doesn't have all of it's women posing half nude in every magazine known to man. Who cares that there women don't jump on men's heads and hold themselves up there untill the person playing the game gets horny. if any has something bad to say about tekken you email me, and let me know. By the way, which game is selling better in Japan huh gamefan, so you take that slap nuts!

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