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April 6, 2000

Evergrace screens
Posted by @ 3:18 PM, EDT
Core posted some new screens for From Software’s RPG, Evergrace:
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

# 7
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
Gameplay is the most important ,i agree with you.
But i do not agree PS2 is having a hard live as a console.

# 6
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
Off course a combination of the 2 is better,
but if you had to choose one which would it be?
Graphics or gameplay? I know that I would choose
gameplay. Graphics aren't what makes the difference between consoles, gameplay DOES.
DC hasn't got the visuals of PSX2, but still many people bought the console. It's not completely about the graphics, it's mostly about the gameplay. If all the PSX2 games looked amazingly and they all would have gameplay that would suck, who would buy it? All of the reviews on the web and in the magazines would tell us the games suck.
It's not about graphics, not compelety. It's more about the gameplay ( I think I've repeated that over 3 times by now). But don't get me wrong: I don't have a DC. But I neither have a PSX2.
The one that apeals me the most after about one year from now is the one I'm going to buy.
That's probably going to be the PSX2 from what I've seen right here right now. But if games like DOA2 are also being created for the DC, why would I buy the PSX2? For having a better controller?
Think not. If I would have to choose now, I would choose PSX2. Why? I don't know. I guess the style of games that are anounced apeal me more.
I mean Baldur's Gate II, 007, ZOE, Armored Core 2 and so on. But the DC has got a great line-up too:
ask the people who have been to the TGS (and no PSX reporters, the allrounders), and they will say that DC had a great show. better then the PSX2. things are looking better for SEGA than they are for Sony, and that may change, but now: PSX2 is going to have a hard life as a console.

# 5
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 8, 2000 ip:
Ps2 HAS "limitless" graphics.And those games you mentioned ARE mind blowing.There are always some exceptions though.
Even if you have the most powerful console in the world with the ability of 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 polygons not just 75000000 you have to know how to use it first and take advandage of the real capabilities of the hardware.
Evergrace does not use the real power of the console.That doesnt mean that PS2 doesnt have the strongest hardware that kicks the DC specs's ass.

# 4
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 7, 2000 ip:
Also guys, don't forget that Sony has said that the PS2 has "limitless" graphics. Blows your mind, eh? About TGS: I'm absolutely sure Sony had a crappy showing there so that they'd blow the media away at E3. I can't wait- Ninja Gaiden, Bouncer, Dark Cloud, anyone?

# 3
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 7, 2000 ip:
Yes,gameplay is important but great compination of gameplay and graphics alltogether is a lot better.

# 2
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 7, 2000 ip:
I guess so, but would it be any fun for the gamers when the very best out of the PSX2 was inmediatly used? Think not. ZOE already looks damn cool and so does Evergrace. And what about graphics. I'll tell you this: It's the gameplay.
I'm still playing Star Wars on MAME and not because it looks so good. It's just a pleasure to play. That's the first thing to get right for game developers. Graphics is a nice extra (damn nice) but a game with the best graphics ever and absolutely NO gaeplay will still won't be a succes. Otherwise on the other hand, can be the matter. I don't say I don't want good graphics on PSX2, I'm just saying it's not worth it with no gameplay. Would we become testers at ZOE for good visuals Irvin? I don't think so, ZOE looks mighty fine but if it doesn't play well, I'll leave it on the shelves. That's what I think/

# 1
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 7, 2000 ip:
They ve got such a technology wonder and they aren't usibg it proberly.PS2 has the power to deliver 80 times better graphics than this.

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