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April 8, 2000

PS2 DOA2...
Posted by @ 12:12 PM, EDT
Gaming Age posted some nice movies of Temco’s fighter, DOA2:
Movie 1 (7 MB)
Movie 2 (8 MB)
Movie 3 (8.6 MB)

Gamespot posted their review of DOA2, giving it 9.4/10.
Here’s a bit.

Unlike many other games, Dead or Alive 2 stands out in the polish department. It's not enough that the in-game character models look better than the prerendered intro-movie models from DOA, but they are also as good as, if not better than, anything else out there. The facial models in DOA2 are simply outstanding. Best viewed while watching the in-game cinemas, the facial detail is as good as the CG models Tecmo had rendered to promote the game. Character detail aside, the unbilled stars of the game are the environments. Running in nice, high resolutions, DOA2's arenas vary from realistic snowfields to transparent marble and glass floors, all of which are truly stunning in their clarity and detail. Wooden mountain temples, industrial towers, and castle regalia adorn the game, many with three or four different looks depending on how many tiers are available.

Full review

# 2
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 13, 2000 ip:

# 1
Name: Neon, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
At last it seems we are reaching the realism and fulidity that gamers have only been able to dream of. I must have watched these movies more than a dozen times each and every time I am in still graphical utopia. Sleepness nights will remian until a UK release.

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