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April 8, 2000

The Mechsmith Run=Dim
Posted by @ 12:18 PM, EDT
Idea Factory is developing a mech-strategy simulation for the PS2 called The Mechsmith Run=Dim.
You’ll be able to build mechs and then use them to fight your enemies.
There’s no specific release-date other than it will be released this year in Japan.
A few screens:
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4, pic #5
Thanks to Gamespot for info and screens.

# 5
Name: Master, E-mail: , Date: Tuesday, August, 15 2000 3:26 P.M. ip:
I think its great that its going to come a mech game for PS2.But i would like to see a macross mech game to the PS2 also.

# 4
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
I'd love another Omega Boost!

# 3
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
I'm hoping for another Mech Warrier.

# 2
Name: MeTaL=DeaTh, E-mail: , Date: April 9, 2000 ip:
bring it on i say,let's have a mech fest on PS2!!

# 1
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 8, 2000 ip:
Another Mech game?

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