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April 12, 2000

Sony's high-speed data service...
Posted by @ 2:12 PM, EDT
From the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Wednesday morning edition:

TOKYO (Nikkei)--Sony Corp. (6758) announced Tuesday that in July it will begin to offer high-speed data transmission services using wireless local-loop technology, a fixed wireless service that gives users access to a backbone telephone network.

Sony will target small and midsize companies, offering a data transmission speed of 1.5mbps for 70,000 yen per month. The company will also offer a service for 150,000 yen per month that will provide always-on Internet access at the same speed.

Sony will offer its service to apartment complexes and the like at monthly per household fees of 5,000 yen or below.
The company will start by providing the service in six major cities in Japan. Within fiscal 2000, Sony aims to expand the service nationwide.

# 9
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Grandmaster B, what are you talking about? From what I can tell, your English is excellent!

# 8
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 13, 2000 ip:
when i read that, i suddenly couldn�t breath anymore...1500kbps?! for lousy 50$?! that�s AWESOME
about my two messages...wasn�t meant to be...sorry!

# 7
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 13, 2000 ip:
Yo Kaneda,

It doesn't matter if your English is bad, At least everyone can understand what you're saying.
I'm not so good in English myself, I'm dutch.
But I think there's not one here who matters where you are from. It's all about what you say,
not if it is good spelled or bad spelled. It's about the point your making.

# 6
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 13, 2000 ip:
PS2 online gaming will be awsome!

# 5
Name: Kaneda, E-mail: , Date: April 12, 2000 ip:
I have got another good and fresh new. If you have a imported psx2, and you want to watch DVD of all regions, it doesn�t mather. Sony plans to sell a software (CD) that make this posible (very,very, sorry for my poor english, I�m spanish).This software let you to play with american,european (and illegal) games too. A very good new.

# 4
Name: Bjorn, E-mail: , Date: April 12, 2000 ip:
Yeah it is about 700$
but that is for companies....
"at monthly per household fees of 5,000 yen or below"


# 3
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 12, 2000 ip:
Yo AcidEdge,

Why post 2 the same messages?

# 2
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 12, 2000 ip:
70.000 Yen?! Doesn�t that mean, that these are 700 US-Dollars?! This would be a lot of money for just one month, but i don�t know if it really is 700$. It isn�t, right?
Something else: 1.5mbps are 150 kbps, right?

# 1
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 12, 2000 ip:
70.000 Yen?! Doesn�t that mean, that these are 700 US-Dollars?! This would be a lot of money for just one month, but i don�t know if it really is 700$. It isn�t, right?
Something else: 1.5mbps are 150 kbps, right?

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