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April 14, 2000

Sony Europe unveils year one PS2 titles
Posted by @ 12:38 PM, EDT
SCEE today showed a few of their project currently under development.
The games: Wipeout Fusion, This is Football 2, The Getaway, Formula One 2000, Dropship, Evo Rally, Spin – Sprint Car Racing and a new Drakan game.

The Getaway
The game is based on London and has over 70 square kilometers of the city mapped out.
You’ll be able to walk on the streets and steal cars, then drive them performing stunts.
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

WipEout Fusion
A slice from :
All circuits will have interactive features, though what this entails hasn't been made public yet.
Studio Liverpool, the team behind the original WipEout, is promising anti-gravity manoeuvres - racing upside down, or at any angle - and 48 different handling parameters per craft.

pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

Drakan game
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4, pic #5

Formula 1 2000
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

Spin - Sprint Car Racing
pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

A slice from :
Dropship casts the player in the role of a rookie pilot flying different types of advanced Dropships - each heavily armed and capable of different flight modes - in a variety of military operations.

pic #1, pic #2, pic #3, pic #4

This Is Football2
A slice from Gamespot:
The graphical improvements can only be assumed at this point. According to Sony, each player will consist of 3,000 polygons and should feature a sophisticated facial-animation system. The stadiums will be specially designed by professional architects and should include decent light and weather effects, such as rain and snow.

Full article

Thanks to for the screens.

# 93
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
About the budget issue Cubby: I just wish that people who can't afford/choose not to own different systems other than their chosen one would shut their mouth with this 12 year-old loyalist shit! They choose the PS2, fine.

Irvin, speak for yourself! Although I agree that the Saturn wasn't SEGA's finest hour, many great games came from it, sadly mostly imports because no publishers would bring them over to the states for a dying system. Ever played Radiant Silvergun?? And you say SEGA is doing the same thing with the DC now as it did with the Saturn? That it's promising lies that will never come to be? Where?? What promises? They are not doing the same as they did with the Saturn. About your last paragraph, what I got from it was that graphics are more important to you than anything else. Well, salute! Enjoy your PS2, 6 months from now! You piss me off.

# 92
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
Most PS2 haters don't want to believe that Sony is having more success than their consoles are, and therefore, the only way they think will help is to abuse PS2 and it's fans.

# 91
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
DC sites dont use comments because if they do it will be difficult for them to answer back to PS2 fans who will sure post there their comment.They dont want to risk it and "destroy"DC's goodwill.
I remenber on SEGA SATURN magazines were PS fans posted against Saturn.The answer was using bad language against the PS fan or contained as an answer against PS about games like Marvel Super Heroes VS SF EX,Burning Rangers,Deep Fear e.t.c.Games that werent very nice generally.
Saturn couldnt compete with the PS with those games.And there was no need to post back.I remember Saturn Mags keep saying that "Saturn will live and deliver quality games" until it died. I realised and some other people who owned a Saturn that we could not have faith at Sega.
Thats why I used to be a Sega fan and then became a PS fan.Because Sega didnt give to consumers what they wanted.Its not the days of Sega Master System or Sega Mega drive for Sega.
Sega is doing the same with the DC.First games great.Then next great games rare ,then other consoles get better and Sega fights back by saying lies promising things that will never happen and make others not to speak their mind or "brain washing" us with DC magazines.I dont know how but even multi platform sites are braining washing us.I saw Phantasy Star Online and had jagged polygons. the characters graphics were low quality and featured some bugs too.Jet Set Radio is another game that graphically i dont like it at all(Low polygon cartoony graphics) and there also some other games that dont impress me(graphically).But when a PS2 game has jagged edges that are difficult to notice or some pop-up or some little detail that doesnt look as good as it should have they start saying "look at those PS2 shit visuals" enen if the game looks impressive.
The same happened when the PS was released but now its in a bigger degree with the PS2.I dont know why this is happening but "history" is repeating all over again

# 90
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
Oh yea, and that's not to say all PS2 loyalists are among the brightest either. I think it's also pretty sad how some peeps say the dumbest things, like "PS2 rules! Dreacast is dead!", especially when PS2 isn't even out here in the US yet. Some people just need to get a grip. It gives me the impression that people who say those types of things are, like, 12-year-olds or something. If you're gonna voice your opinion, at least explain WHY you have that opinion in the first place, and if you can't, then I think you'd better rethink that opinion before you decide to blurt it out again. It gives PS2 loyalists a bad name.

Not that I consider myself a PS2 loyalist- I like the system that has the types of games that interest me most, and right now, Sony has those types of games (namely the kind that Namco, Squaresoft, and -to a lesser degree- Konami and Capcom make.) But in no way am I "loyal" to them. In fact, I really couldn't care less about who makes the system. It's always the games that makes or breaks a system for me, and that's how it should be. It was Nintendo in '85-'88, Sega in '88-'91, Nintendo in '91-'96, and Sony in 96-present. Everyone seems to have fond memories of the Atari 2600 and Colecovision, but I don't for some reason. Games didn't really get good 'til the NES came along, as far as I'm concerned :)

# 89
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
I was talking to avenger about his problem with those troublemakers on his(?) site. I wasn't talking about DC owners in general. It's those bitter peeps that do what they do (start trouble) partly because of some of the reasons I mentioned. Of course it's not the PS2 loyalists fault that 3rd parties are jumping ship, but then who else can those guys complain to and start trouble with? To people like that, it's like as soon as they hear ANY kind of praise about Sony, (either from PS2 loyalists or anyone) it's like a spit in the face. Why else would they purposely surf the net for PS2 sites just to post comments like those? I'm sure there are lots of DC sites they could go to and voice their opinions over there. I never hear of any DC fan sites reporting about PS2 loyalists causing trouble over there, it's always the other way around. You can draw whatever conclusions you want from that.

As for the reason why everyone doesn't just buy all the "mainstream" consoles out there and get the best of everything, there's a little something called a "budget" that most of us need to consider when making such purchases. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm not gonna be spending anymore than 200-300 bucks in any given year for gaming purposes- PC or console. I simply can't afford it. Got a girlfriend, car payments, rent, student loans and other stuff that comes before gaming :( Yea, it sucks, but that means I'm gonna have to choose a favorite console whether I like it or not, and I choose PS2 (for now at least.)

# 88
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
The only RPG with the name Panzer dragoon is Panzer Dragoon Saga.The other Panzer Dragoon games were just shoot-em-ups.Very addictive though.I loved every Panzer Dragoon game although i am a PS & PS2 fan.I think Sega is secretly working on a sequel for the DC and might be shown at the E3 show to compete with the PS2.I wish there will be a game like it on the PS2 as it was the game I always wanted but never got the chance to have it because i am a PS owner(hopes on Drakan2.

# 87
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
It's always been my view that if you are a loyal suporter of one type of brand for a long time you tend to grow attached to the product so much, that, even if some other outfit makes something twice as good as what you have, you won't want to give it up. In-other-wards, stick to who like best and don't worry what other companies are doing or what other people think. Sony have won this gaming heart twice over, and I don't give one peice of crap about the X-Box, or Dolphin, OR Dreamcast!

# 86
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
OH, a few more thoughts: About the N64....yes, I believe that if definitely hasn't lived up to it's full potential, and the kiddie games get very boring, very fast. That's why I'm so excited about the GBA, we'll be back to the good ol SNES days. I've also heard that a new Metroid is right now in development for it at NOJ.

AND NOW THE MAIN DISH! Oh boy oh boy! Everytime I see a PS2 loyalist post a comment such as "Yea, bye bye DC!!", or "wow, PS2 has sold so much more in a month than the DC has so far so the PS2 is already better" know how that sounds? It sounds like people are afraid. It sounds like they are hoping for the PS2's success so much that they have to constantly comfort themselves with stupid comments like those above, in the meantime putting down other systems. Why?

# 85
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
Errrr.....have to disagree with you on that one Cubby. I bought my DC the day it was released in San Jose(where that bay-watch babe and Mini-me were), and I haven't regretted it one bit. I do not feel that I wasted money, if fact quite the opposite. IMHO, I feel that the DC has already paid for itself in full. How can I possibly feel that I wasted my money with great games coming out left and right? Where else can I get Crazi Taxi, Ecco, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Sonic, and many more exclusive Sega games? Not to mention the best RPG series ever, Panzer Dragoon. About the third parties jumping that the fault of Ps2 Loyalists? No, so why should I be bitter at them for it? Don't generalize the entire DC owning population as immature PS2 hating brats. There are many hardcore gamers out there who own every system in exsistence because all that matters are the games, no matter what system they are on. Each system has it's benefits and downfalls, and to realize this is to really enjoy gaming to its fullest. What I don't understand is when people don't buy all the "mainstream" systems available, as it is these people who are really missing out.

# 84
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 19, 2000 ip:
Buy whatever console you want as long you are are happy with it. End of story.

# 83
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:

It's no use, man. I've given up on those types of people. They're not here to have discussion, they're here to get attention, start sh*t, and generally be an-around ASS. What's the point in talking reason or pointing out facts with those types of people? They won't listen, they'll just keep spouting out their crap whether they know you're right or not, because it's what they do best.

I know so many people who bought a DC, and now that so many third-party developers are jumping ship on them, they're getting all defensive about their system. They have to defend their investment so they won't feel as though their DC was a waste. It's sad, really. But true. I don't hate DC, I love Soul Calibur, but I'll admit that I'm quite happy that I didn't rush out to buy a DC because then I'd probably be getting all defensive about it as well. DC's future ain't too bright, and some people just can't accept that fact. So let 'em spew their crap. Just take their comments with a grain of salt, like they probably take yours.

# 82
Name: avenger, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
come to we need your hhhhheeeeelllllppppp!!!!! if you are a playstation fan. just come and post comments telling the ps2 haters to go away, and post good facts about the ps2, like you have been doing in this site. please enter the site, register and post a comment

# 81
Name: PS2fan, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Ill have to agree with : Cubby, on that one. When i bought my 64, it was a big dissappointment. The only games i like on that system was Zelda,golden eye, Starfox was ok,WWF Wrestlemania and thats about it. I have about 5, 64 games, and all my 64 is doing is collecting dust.I playaed like almost all the 64 games, they werent all that great. Persoinally i think that my SNES is my best Nintendo system. My best system currently is my playastation with a total of 15 games, i have been having lots of fun with my ps, and that is one of the reasons why i want a ps2. I borrowed my friends Dreamcast today, its ok, better then the 64, but not too fun, i borrowed like 11 of his games. The Dreamcast isnt that great to me. The only thing i want to play on the DC is soul calibur. bottom line is thet nintendo, has to con vince me to but a dolphin. SONY ALL THE WAY, IS WHAT I THINK

# 80
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
PS2 is theoretically capable of close to CG quality graphix, but it's really in the developers' hands now. If they spend the time, effort, and money to make a game with enough detail (and believe me, that is NOT easy) to look like you're playing a CG movie, all while considering all the different variables of real-time gameplay (camera angles, unpredictable player actions/reactions, physics, AI, etc.), then I will be THOROUGHLY impressed.

There's just so much more to consider when making a game of that magnitude (rendered bits of trash/litter in the streets, cracks in the sidewalks, people walking around doing their own thang, stray animals, individual bricks on buildings, leaves on trees, different kinds of trees, ect.) that I bet none but the biggest developers will ever be able to pull it off (Square- probably the most likely, Namco, Sega, Capcom, maybe Konami, and perhaps Nintendo with the next Zelda.) Unless developers decide to include not just a few, but LOTS of little details like those I've just mentioned, they'll never be able to achieve REAL, authentic CG quality in real-time. Shenmue on DC looks like an awesome attempt at this, but DC doesn't quite have the hardware to really pull this off and make it look believable.

# 79
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
My thoughts on Nintendo? I personally think they are screwing themselves over by being so quiet. I used to love Ninteno, god knows I still play my SNES (Metroid rules), but my N64 is collecting dust right now 'cause Nintendo has really let me down with N64- most of my time now is spent with my Playstation (Tekken 3 and Final Fantasy VIII). I think the thing that most appeals to me about my Playstation over Nintendo 64 is that the games are geared toward a more mature audience-
Nintendo used to cater to us as well (again, with Metroid, Final Fantasy 6, ect.) but they seem to have lost it all...

Now what's on the N64 to appeal to the more mature audience? Pokemon Snap/Stadium? Mario Party/2? Cheap, half-assed, unheard of fighting games (GASP Fighters Nextreme or some shit like that)? Conker's Bad Fur Day? Banjo Tooie? That even sounds pathetic. Perfect Dark looks ok, but why would I want to play 4 player split screen when I can play Half-Life on my screaming PC with 10 other players at huge LAN parties or online? (kicks MAJOR ass, no split-screen console shooter will ever compare to this.) Same with Starcraft 64. They even lost SquareSoft... That was the last straw for me- I've lost faith in Nintendo. Mario and Zelda are still awesome, but I'll be damned if they can sell me another console just on those two franchises alone.

If they want me to buy their Dolphin, they'd better have a kickass Tekken killer (seriously, not some half-assed attempt), a kickass Final Fantasy X killer, a kickass FPS like UT or Half-Life, and METROID!! New Marios and Zeldas would be icing on the cake. AND NO FREAKIN POKEMON!!

# 78
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Iron Curtain:
The demos showed that the PS2 can reproduce CGI graphics in real time.And SONY said this ability is planned to be used for full games.You will actually be able to play the games with those graphics not just moving the camera around.

# 77
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Nintndo were silent about N64 before it was launched but it didn't become the #1 console. It's still in second place behind you-know-who.
As for the Dolphin? It's a mystory alright. It's a good bet it won't be quite as powerful as PS2, and right now, Sony have really lifted the playing field up a gear. It's not just Sega and Nintendo who'll be fighting for the number 1 spot. You have MS and another I've never heard of before. A total of 5 consoles battling to be number one in what looks like being the bloodiest console war in history. Can PS2 win this one? Or will Nintendo, or MS steel the crown from Sony? I'll tell you this, it's going to be the most exciting battle ever!

# 76
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
I have a few thought on what Nintendo is doing, yes I know this is a PS2 site but I can't find a better forum on the net to express my gaming thoughts.
To be totally honest, Nintendo's silence about the Dolphin has gotten me more excited than I could have ever become if they had leaked out any info. Nintendo knows what it's doing, they know that Silence can be the biggest offensive of all. I'm just going nuts!! What will this machine be capable of? What awesome games are being produced right at this moment? I believe that a new Metroid and Mario are being made for the U.S. launch, they need these titles at launch at least to compete with the PS2 to any degree. And what about the Gameboy advanced? I'm almost more excited about this than the Dolphin, mostly because I think some of the best games ever made came out on the SNES, which basically is what the GBA is. Plus, by N's track record with the gameboy, the GBA will be heavily supported. A new 16 bit Metroid? Hell yea that would be sweet! Maybe even a new GBA Contra would arrive in playable form again! Again, sorry this is about Nintendo in a PS2 forum. If someone knows of a good Nintendo site to post thoughts, please let me know!

# 75
Name: squall, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Alright smart people! answer this.
How many polygons can a character in say, in a soccer have, to max out the ps2's power?
IF you answer this you will get a No-Prize.

# 74
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:

I think what you mentioned about us using only 10% of our brains is only a theory- it's never been proven yet. Some think that theory is also a bit misleading, because from what we currently know about the human brain, yes, we only do use about 10-15% for thought processes/memories/cognitive abilities (the frontal lobe.) But that's not to say we aren't using the other 90-85% at all- we are; it's just that we're not conscious of it because it all goes to controlling stuff like bodily functions (heartbeat, growth, hormones, digestion, immune system, 5 senses, ect.)

But the funny thing is, have you ever had a dream where you'd be looking at a list of some sort, song lyrics for example, that you're not very familiar with AT ALL, but yet, there it is, you can clearly see all the correct lyrics on that songsheet- every last word. I've had dreams like that before but when I wake up, I don't remember the lyrics anymore :( I wonder where all that stuff comes from? Maybe the brain has some untapped potential after all?

# 73
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
I read about it some time ago on a site I just can't seem to remember. But it was a pretty thorough article- the author went to great lengths to research almost everything about the PS2's chipset. Most of it just confused the hell outta me, but some of it was very interesting. And remember, only the main bus is 256-bits wide; the EE is technically only a 128-bit chip (although bits don't really matter anymore, polygon throughput is king nowadays,) and I'd imagine it'd need such a wide bus since it's pretty much shared by every component in the chipset: the GS, the main memory, the EE with VU-0, VU-1 by itself, and the i/o processor (original PS1 cpu).

In the article, he said something about both VU's being almost identical in structure, except that VU-0 has a bigger cache than VU-1 (or was it the other way around), because both do two different jobs and the one with more cache is directly linked to the EE, whereas the one with less cache (and a smaller workload) has its own branch along the main bus- there's also lots of other interesting info about the chipset, but it's just been too long since I read that article so I can't remember anything :( I'll post the url if I find it again.

# 72
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Did you know we only use 10% of our brain capacity at most? just imagine what we could do if we could use the other 90%! The same thing Aplies to PS2. Only 20 to 30% is being used, apparently. I believe the perfornence analyser will be used - maybe an advanced version of the one used on PS1. This may help developers open PS2 up more easily and start creating some awsome software.

# 71
Name: PS2fan, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
WOW, 256, where did you here that: Cubby.,

# 70
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: April 18, 2000 ip:
Yea, you got somethin wrong. Both VU's are seperate from the EE and the GS. The EE is not a VU, it is the central processor and the GS is closest to what could be called the "video card" (like a Geforce or Voodoo) of the PS2. VU-0 and VU-1 are two seperate units linked to the EE by a shared 256-bit bus, I believe. They're supposed to help the EE with producing polys and other good stuff.

# 69
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Yeah! Let�s kick the DCs ass with SONYs PS2! I�m just a little bit nervous about the x-box...
But thx to ps2fan! And a question...the VU-0 is the "Emotion Engine", and the VU-1 is known as "Graphics Synthesizer", did I get anything wrong?
Let�s have fun with the next generation of games!

# 68
Name: Iron Curtain, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
PS2Fan: You were actually cutting and pasting from a article @ Next time, cite your source.

Irvin: There's a difference between non-playable demos and playable games. Playable games have variables and Demos don't. I don't know if this makes a difference, but it could.

Chaborf: Dammit, Munch's Oddysee! I've seen the movies in realtime and I'm very impressed! No Aliasing! It's possible that you might be impressed, and equally as possible for vice versa. Then again, it's possible for Munch's Oddysee that the graphics weren't in real time or that the graphics would be the only thing that kicks cock with the rest of the game sucking ass.

# 67
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
WOW!The best explanation i ve ever heard about the PS2 real power.In plainer words you ve seen nothing yet.PS2 can recreate CGI graphics in real-time.Did you know that the first PS2 tech demos of Final Fantasy8 and the old man from the Final Fantasy movie were using the same data of the CGI work only in real time on the PS2?Expect CGI quality graphics(only in real time) as good as Final Fantasy the Movie on the PS2.

# 66
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
WOW!The best explaination

# 65
Name: PS2fan, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
"Now lets take executive two, he's a PS2 development kit. He's got his main processor, his brain, which he can use to do the hard parts, and he's got this incredibly efficient secretary, who types like a bat out of hell, and an incredibly quick researcher on the other side, who can do research like no one before. So instead of going to the dictionary every time you need to look up a word, he sends that off to his assistant. And then he can spend his time on something else. Instead of actually typing what he is doing, he says to his assistant, 'here's what I want you to type,' and he or she goes off and types it. This executive is going to win, right? Because all he does is what he's best at. He doesn't have to do the menial labor, he can kick that off to his assistants.

"This is very similar to the PS2. The CPU is not as fast as the VUs, in doing things like setting up your polygons and getting ready to draw. With first generation games it is very difficult to program to take advantage of these things. These developers basically skipped the VU, and they did something really simple, and the VUs are essentially sitting around doing nothing. Dumb.

"If you don't use the two VUs, the PS2 looks like a super powerful Dreamcast. But once you get the VUs in, the Dreamcast looks like a powerful PlayStation, and the PS2 will look like the next generation. It is inevitable. Programmers will learn about these things, and they will learn how to us them. As soon as they see somebody else getting away with 10 times more power than they are using, if they don't know how to use the VUs, you better believe they're going to learn. It's the same thing that happened with the PlayStation, it simply matters even more now with PS2.

"The second generation [of games] will get better at it. The VUs will be doing more work, that frees the CPU up to do what it does best, and all of a sudden the games become that much more powerful. It's like finding another chip in the system. Nobody realizes this. The VUs are the keys to this hardware. We're creating what we consider, and hope to be, the first second-generation game. The equivalent of what we did with [a popular platformer on PS] -- coming out a year and a half after the system arrived in the US. We're looking to make a game that takes full advantage of the system. None of these guys are taking advantage of the system. And on the PS2 it's more obvious that ever before."

# 64
Name: PS2fan, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
TO Lei Wulong,it is said that the games are using 50% of the ps2's power, without the VU's. The games are using the ps2's cpu's and the VU's are doing nuthing.If you guys dont know what the VU's are, then let me explain.The Key to the System: The Vector Units (VUs)
More important, however, is what all of the developers agreed on. The first set of Japanese games that shipped last week didn't even scratch the surface of PlayStation2's power. It's most likely they were programmed entirely on the single central processor. PlayStation2 has a central processor, but it also has two co-processors, VU-0 and the VU-1 (Vector Units: VU0 and VU1, Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1), which are essential to unlocking the system's capabilities.

"The real key here are the VU co-processors," one developer explained. "The VU is the sh%t. That is the secret weapon. If you don't use the VU chips, you're just wasting the hardware."

Another developer detailed how the VUs work and how they are actually work in developing a game.

"More than any other system in the history of videogames the PlayStation2 has a great learning curve. I remember with the Saturn, and it's almost a joke, people said, 'They haven't found the secret chip.' Some people thought there was a chip that wasn't getting used in the Saturn. 'Just wait until they use the other graphics capabilities, etc, etc.,' its all BS, but the Saturn stuff got better. This system actually has, for the first time, chips that people will not use until second generation comes around. People haven't used the VU to its potential.

"The PS2 is a three-processor system. It's actually an incredibly complicated system. Basically you have the CPU, which is the same processor that everybody has had before, but it's a lot more powerful, and it's got two co-processors, VU-0 and VU-1, which are extremely powerful linked co-processors, that work with the CPU.

"Here's a parable for you. Let's take two executives: Executive one is a straight processor with a single CPU. It has no assistance whatsoever. He has three projects to do. He has to work on them one at a time and he has to do all of the work, with no one else to shove all the work off to. He has to do the work himself.

# 63
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Sony are probably the cleverest lot in the world when it comes to electronics. Has anyone seen their robodog? No more cleaning up piss off the carpet, and you don't have to worry about it getting into a fight with cat next door because you can just switch it off any time. Oh and you don't have to feed it, either. God knows what they'll think of next!

# 62
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Kaneda you're absolutely right. First play, then you know if it's a good game or not.

# 61
Name: Lei Wulong, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
The PS2 does have anti-aliasing, according to what I've read. It was because Sony sent its dev-kits to the developers too late. For the same reason the first games use so little of the PS2:s potential. When they get the anti-aliasing in and start using the Vector Units, we'll certainly have something to gawp at.

And for the PS2 texture memory. There's V-RAM, in which all the game's code and everything is stored, developers can use this memory to also store textures. I don't know why they did it this way, but I hope it works as well as it sounds :�)

And as the games are said to be using only 20-30% of the PS2's power now, does this mean that this is 20-30% of the main CPU's power, or does it include the VU's too? Sony's been too quiet about the VU's, maybe they just want to give us all a happy surprise when the really cool games start coming out (see "Getaway", I believe the PS2 can do this, yes) :�)

# 60
Name: Lei Wulong, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
The PS2 does have anti-aliasing, according to what I've read. It was because Sony sent its dev-kits to the developers too late. For the same reason the first games use so little of the PS2:s potential. When they get the anti-aliasing in and start using the Vector Units, we'll certainly have something to gawp at.

And for the PS2 texture memory. There's V-RAM, in which all the game's code and everything is stored, developers can use this memory to also store textures. I don't know why they did it this way, but I hope it works as well as it sounds :�)

And as the games are said to be using only 20-30% of the PS2's power now, does this mean that this is 20-30% of the main CPU's power, or does it include the VU's too? Sony's been too quiet about the VU's, maybe they just want to give us all a happy surprise when the really cool games start coming out (see "Getaway", I believe the PS2 can do this, yes) :�)

# 59
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
And you will. In good time.

# 58
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
And you will. I'm good time.

# 57
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
It just annoys me that anti-aliasing isn't present! I was just looking at some Wipeout Fusion pics and it was standing out like a sore-thumb! And the whole time I was thinking, "I'm looking at a PS2 game here?" Now I'm not a PS2 hater, but I mean come on! I guess since all the hype got me going about these "Toy Story" workstation graphics, it was a spit in the face to see Jags. Now I know when I'm playing I won't notice any jags, and in the long run it is irrelevant and will be's............ just....wierd. I'll say again: I don't hate the PS2!! I just need to see something impressive.

# 56
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Don't worry, PS2fan. There are more PS2 lovers than there are haters. I'm really looking forward to PS2 and don't give a flying ass what PS2 haters think!
Ps2 is already outselling DC in Japan, and it looks like it will do the same when it hits the rest of the world. I'm totaly on your side, buddy. My heart is with Sony all the way.

# 55
Name: Gommorah, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Damn...Gotta get PSX2 2...Already saved $1500 Canadian.

Is it true that the games are supposed to be, like $99 bucks U.S.?

# 54
Name: PS2fan, E-mail: , Date: April 17, 2000 ip:
Why dont you ps2 fans come to that site is tight and they also have comments,we are having a little problem now with these dumn a** ps2 haters, that wont leave us alone. Come help us out

# 53
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
The X-Box's specs do look impresive but what does the rest look like? The desighn of the product is where Sony has an edge over it's competiters. Small, sleek, and versatile. If the X-box can do the same, then we have a real fight on our hands. Also, Sony's controle pads and it's other accessories are still the best in the world. With this winning combo, PS2 is well prepared for when it faces X-Box.

# 52
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Is Sony planning to use a hardware just like the Performance Analyzer for the PS2?If yes when?
Its very important for programming quality titles for Ps2.

# 51
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Yo Neo, I need the scoop on anti-aliasing.

# 50
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
The performance Analyzer, is a piece of hardware that sony own. This piece of hardware can tell the programmers how good there code really is. It gives all kind of information about the performance of the code, and then gives a result on how much of the machines power the game is using!

It can show programmers new techniques on programming the hardware, it's a very cool piece of kit. I used one about 2 years ago, on psybadek on Formula one.

# 49
Name: Iron Curtain, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Irvin: Where is this "Performance Analyzer" that you speak of?

Chaborf: There's always Munch's Oddysee. Not only does it look terrific (no jaggies!), put it looks like it may be the first game that really shows off the PS2's power. I've seen movies of the game in realtime, and it is jaw-dropping! Really! Oddworld Inhabitants just may make a classic; Let's hope that Munch's Oddysee is not too good to be true...

# 48
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
I still don't know much about Anti-aliasing. Anyone? Neo?

# 47
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Does the X-Box pose a threat to the PS2? A serious one, I mean...

# 46
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
There is no game on THE ps2 that uses 20% or more of its power.The same happened with the first playstation.When tekken2 appeared on the playstation everyone thought it used around 70-90% of its power.But after using the Performance Analizer it showed that Tekken2 used only 30%.I think TTT uses 5-10% of the PS2 power.

# 45
Name: wag kombi, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
A few things that would be nice features
in 'The Getaway'...

1. Realistically modelled members of the royal
family with point of damage areas strolling
the gardens of Buckingham Palace.

2. The ability to drive through the gates of
Buckingham Palace and into said gardens.

Who could resist buying a game with these

as an add on pack you could do the Spice Girls :)
(that was a joke sporty, we still luv ya)

# 44
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Who gives a shit about anti aliasing! The bottom line is, PS2 games will look way better than anything seen before.

# 43
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
I say do not underestimate the power of developers. The reason why the PS2 is being doubted is because it hasn't shown us anything that hasn't been done before. From all the hype people were expecting miracles and all we've really seen has been facelifts of already exsisting games. Not all, but most. I would guess that about 10-20% of PS2's resources have been tapped so far. No doubt that we will be seeing amazing games in the near future that will only get better and better.

# 42
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Any thoughts on this whole Anti-Aliasing thing? Experts say it's WAY overrated, and that programmers can eventually learn to implement it (although it'll be kinda tough). Seems to me people just love taking cheap shots at the machine...

# 41
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
It's funny how we always judge things that we haven't seen yet.

# 40
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
All these doudts about PS2's capabilities are exactly what PS1 went through before we really saw what it could do. As the famouse saying goes, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PLAYSTATION2! It's been said before. Do I have to say it again?
Yes! It needs to be said over and over and over again until it gets through!

# 39
Name: Iron Curtain, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
As for the whole VRAM thing, the PS2 may have half the VRAM of the DC, but the DC doesn't have its VRAM within the processor like the PS2 has. Since the PS2 has its VRAM on the chip, it is therefore faster than the VRAM on the DC.

In other words, comparing the DC's VRAM to the PS2's VRAM is not exactly comparing 2 to 1, but rather storage to speed. The PS2 is a whole different ballpark than the DC, and unfortunately, developers have to learn the rules of this new ballpark or they might as well play baseball in Madison Square Garden.

# 38
Name: Mr. Dark, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
The Getaway is just the begining wait bout a year or so---> then you
will see the full potential of PSX2

# 37
Name: Kaneda, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Do you remember first images of Teken tak tournament, or Onimusha for PS2? both of them seemed relly good, but later the games weren�t so goods ( Onimusha is NOT a 3D game, for exemple). Before talking, it�s better play, I think. I hope the ps2 games are relly next-generation pieces, like images of Getaway. Sure!

# 36
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Hey, anyone seen the movie Bullitt? I hope we get some of that kick ass action in Getaway!
Devin :)

# 35
Name: Devin, E-mail: , Date: April 16, 2000 ip:
Hmmmmmmm, Getaway?
2 Words:
Devin :)

# 34
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
What ever happens, let's just apreciate what we have now.

# 33
Name: Veggie, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Wasn't it said that Ridge Racer V used 50% of PS2's power?

# 32
Name: great american ass kicker, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
I gotta say ps2 is gonna kick some serious freaking ass.bye bye sega its curtains for you.

# 31
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
King, there's only 2 vector units - yes it's going to take time for developers to really get a handle on this beast, which I'm looking forward to very much.

# 30
Name: Ace, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Oops, wrong e-mail address. This is the right one:

# 29
Name: Ace, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Yo Neo...Contact me whenever you can; your expertise is needed.

# 28
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Fair enough...But is this level of graphics possible on the PS2? Maybe in second and third gen titles? How about those 3 vector units in the PS2, the ones many say haven't even been touched by any of the games so far? Developers say tehy're using only about 25-30% of the PS2's true power...

# 27
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
I am sorry to dissapoint you but they can't be pre-rendered, because the game could not be in real time 3-D. A pre-rendered scence would make the a 2-D game, allowing the playing to move in only the way the scence had be setup in.

A pre-render is a scence set up in MAX of softimage, and the has a spline running through the scence with a camera attached to the spline. The the image would be imported in the game. It's impossible to do pre rendered images into a 3D world with 3D control's. Sorry. : )

These are mock up's...Plus, if these where the real thing, don't you think that the rest of the games coming from Sony would look this good. Look at F1 and Wipeout, they are not in a meg spec's with those Gataway pics.

And I would say that the teams on the F1 and Wipeout are a lot better than the getaway team.
Wipeout and F1 have been in the making for over 2 years now. The F1 and Wipeout teams results are no where near to getaways results.

As I said, this is Sony's late April fools joke.

# 26
Name: King, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Isn't it possible that those are pre-rendered backgrounds? That would certainly explain the awesome amount of detail...

# 25
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Has anyone found shots of This is Football 2?

# 24
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Now let's hope that the Getaway pictures are taken from the game and then we're all happy!

# 23
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
PS2 is going to kick ass. But then, we already know that, don't we.

# 22
Name: Bjorn, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Chaborf, mail me about the E3 thing

# 21
Name: Kaneda, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
Is it really a game??... I can�t belive it.. or yes?... OH YEESS!!

# 20
Name: Phillip, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
I believe that everything that developers intend to do with PS2 is all possible, and will prove to some doutders out there how powerful PS2 really is!

# 19
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
John Cheung: went to the site, never once did it say anything about those shots being real-time. BTW: sorry guys about the 2x posts.

# 18
Name: chai, E-mail: , Date: April 15, 2000 ip:
These graphics arre sreious mind blowing!!!! So I think it is PS2!!!!

# 17
Name: John Cheung, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Ha ha, The Shots of THE GETAWAY is actual gameplay, go here

# 16
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
A question for Neo or anyone who knows: I'm going to be around the L.A. area at the time of E3, however I'm not in the industry. Are there public passes available for sale? I have a few hundred to spend and would love to see all the new games for DC, Ps2 etc. I've written to Daily Radar dozens of times with no responses, please help!
And about Getaway, I have to agree with Neo. Be realistic here. If those were in game graphics, I would be very very very very very surprised and would eat my dirty undies and post it on the net for all to see.

# 15
Name: Manimal, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Unfortunatly, I can tell you right now that those are not screenshots from the ps2 on getaway.
I really wish they were, but they are just mockups rendered by a 3d package like Max, Maya
SoftImage etc. Yes, there are some repeated textures, but not enough to make them all fit in the Ps2 memory.
Yes, it's possible that they could be streaming the textures in from disc, but in these shots they are all fairly high-res
and in at least 15 bit color. Where many of the textures look repeated, there are small details that are unique like cracks,
stains, etc. Yes, you can lay one texture over another to make a tiled texture look unique, but there are too many unique bits.
But enough on the textures.
The real give away is the motion blur on the car. It blurs both the leading and the trailing edge and is a smooth blur of pixels, not the
fading staccato of rendering the car for several frames at different transparency levels.
In fact, I believe the cars are post-process blurred in Photoshop using it's motion blur filter, the only blur I've seen that blurs both
trailing and leading edges. In fact, in one of the shots a small portion of the background is blurred the same as the car, it looks like they got sloppy with their
selection in Photoshop and blurred it accidently.
The last thing is that they are anti-aliasing poly edges, and it's the only one out of this batch of Sony Europe games like that, if you check Wipeout they
have hard, aliased edges. I find it really hard to believe that one of Sony's studio would have anti-aliasing
working on such detailed scenes and that they didn't share it with a studio just down the rooad that is also owned by Sony.

Believe me, I hope it's up and running like these shots at E3, but i know it won't be.

# 14
Name: Chaborf, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
A question for Neo or anyone who knows: I'm going to be around the L.A. area at the time of E3, however I'm not in the industry. Are there public passes available for sale? I have a few hundred to spend and would love to see all the new games for DC, Ps2 etc. I've written to Daily Radar dozens of times with no responses, please help!
And about Getaway, I have to agree with Neo. Be realistic here. If those were in game graphics, I would be very very very very very surprised and would eat my dirty undies and post it on the net for all to see.

# 13
Name: Duo , E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Its easy how they pull off those texture with just 4MB of V-RAM. Its embedded on the chip so its really fast. I believe that streaming is used. So If u stream correctly, u can have as many textures as u want!

# 12
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Maybe I was too enthusiastic, was I?! It�s said that RRV isn�t using the Graphics Synthesizer. Is the GS used for those Graphics?! And Kituka: The SGI is sure slower, BUT: the only thing that�s so expensive, when you want a workstation is all the memory and a lot of processors and...
it�s quntity, not quality (like the PS2!)
And Neo: SONY needed more than four years to develop the PS2, the x-box didn�t even need a year. Why?! Don�t misunderstand me, I�m sure that the PS2 is going to kick the x-boxes ass although it may have better graphics! And I also was kind of surprised of Getaway, but i hope it becomes true! Just let�s have a look at the upcoming games!

# 11
Name: Kituka, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Well, now I have ANOTHER reason for getting a PS2, as if I don't already have enough (Dark Cloud, Munch's Odyssee, The Bouncer,etc).

As for the shots, they're in-game. Munch's Odyssee and the other games I listed have just as mind-blowing graphics, so why can't these be in-game? We all now PS2 is much, MUCH more powerful than DC, and with these screens we're finally getting to see proof.

Another reason I know (or at least am 90% sure of) that these are in-game graphics is because we've heard so many people (developers, George Lucas) tell us that our PS2's pack more punch than the strongest graphics workstations in the movie industry, etc.

Well, if Ps2 is stronger than, lets say, a Silicon Graphics workstation (which it is), then graphics such as those we see in Getwaway really aren't out of the question at all. Getaway is just the beginning......imagine the sort of stuff we'll be playing in 4 years or so.

Another thing: Just the thought of playing DVD's on my PS2 makes me want the damn thing now!!! I can't wait- just picturing taking out the Matrix (or X-Men: The Movie, or Romeo and Juliet, or.....geez, I'm getting carried away), opening the PS2's loading tray, putting in a DVD, gets me so damn excited!!!

# 10
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
I am very sure that those screen shots are not from the PS2. The repeated pedestrians, would be just placed in the scence to make the picture more interesting. Also repeated pedestrians, is an even better way of saying it was a still render.

Do you think that the pedestrian would all be in the same character frame of animation?
I don't think so.

A technical test would not look so good, as I said before, this game was only a PS1 title until now. And I don't think that they could convert it to PS2 in so little time. No way, I don't care who is working there.

Just look at GT2000, they have been working on that title on the PS2 for a lot longer than this "Gateway", and it doesn't work any where near as good as "Gateway."

My source in Sony told me about 4 months ago, that all the London team had running on the PS2 devkits was, bouncing balls, and lots of star fields. So I don't think in that sort time, they have come up with this.

I still beleive that those screen shots are still renders. Repeated textures, saves a lot of time in both rendering and in game shots.

But I feel that we are being taken for a ride on this one.

Maybe is Sony(SCEE)UK late April fools joke.
Let's wait and see.

# 9
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:

We've gotten our hands on some new details and screens on The Getaway for the PlayStation2. The game puts you in the role of Mark, a professional bank robber who is desperately trying to leave his past behind and live a normal life. He has a family, and everything appears to be fine, but suddenly a gang boss named Charlie Jolson kidnaps his son - so Mark is once again dragged back into the world of organized crime, corruption, drugs, car stealing, and bribes. But one thing is for sure: He has to free his son from Jolson, no matter what the cost.

Studio Soho, the team behind The Getaway, is known for its past titles Total NBA, Total NBA 97, Porsche Challenge, Rapid Racer, and Spice World. Recently, the company released This Is Football in the European market, where it has sold more than 500,000 units to date.

For The Getaway the team had to come to grips with the huge amount of detail that can be displayed on the PlayStation2. Studio Soho re-created over 70 square meters of the heart of London in a painstaking process. Pictures were taken of all the buildings to re-create Britain's metropolis exactly the way it was in real life. From what we've seen so far, the result is nothing short of mind-blowing. If you've ever been to London then you might be able to recognize familiar places on the screenshots that accompany this story. You can even search for street names in the game, walk around on foot, or even steal a car and rush through town - from Kensington Palace to the Tower Of London. It's all in there.

Now you might wonder about the cars you will get to use (steal) in the game. According to Sony, there are more than 50 cars, and these are based on real-life models. Players will have the freedom to perform car stunts, such as two-wheel driving, jumps, and skids.

The developers are aiming for a city that lives and breathes. This includes pedestrians who will wander around London, as well as buses that will drive through the streets and traffic lights that will change. You will interact with other characters who have been created through the use of real actors' likenesses to give the characters depth and personality - a level of realism Studio Soho hopes will be above that yet seen in video games.

# 8
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Check pic 3 and you will notice the repeated pedestrians with exactly the same moves.Its ike a technical test or something.Check pic1 for the same repeated texture on the windows.

# 7
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Are you sure those screens are taken from cgi?
The camera angles dont indicate that those pics were taken from cgi work.Also the textures are repeated if you try too get a closer look.There are repeated pedestrian too.This happens almost everytime only in real time graphics.

# 6
Name: Neo, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Those pictures for "Gateway" are just CGI mock-UP�fs.
I know a few people working on "Gateway," and I was told that it was a PlayStation title only.

There is no way that they have converted that to the PS2 in 4 months.

F1 looking a bit crap though, they have been working on that for about 2 years now. I was expecting allot better results than what I have just seen.

I am not too sure if you people know this, but when developers are developing a game. The development machines V-ram is allot bigger than the Normal machine in the stores or in your home.
They have to crunch the V-ram to fit into the space, which is available.

Wipeout out is coming on nice, but the original wipeout team doesn't exist any more, they spilt up along time ago. The lead Designer" Nick Burcombe," now works for Curly monsters.

# 5
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
You thought Metropolis was a tough DC game.Check out Getaway.It makes Metropolis look like a game with cartoony graphics(correction of previous comment).Getaway has the most realistic graphics I ve ever seen in my life.

# 4
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
You thought Metropolis was a tough DC game.Check out Getaway.It makes Metropolis look like a game with cartoony games.Getaway has the most realistic graphics I ve ever seen in my life.

# 3
Name: Grandmaster B, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
What does it matter if it has 4mb and looks great or 8mb or something and look great?
If it looks great I'm happy, no matter if it is 4mb or more.

# 2
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Comment wanted PS2 games thak kick ass eyy!
You wanted ultra realistic graphics eyyy?
You wanted new games not just sequels eyy?
You said PS2 is having problems eyy?
You said PS2 has 4mb of texture ram eyy?(AcidEdge you noticed that too!)
You said PS2 was overhyped eyy?
Were is Kituka?He has to see this.

# 1
Name: AcidEdge, E-mail: , Date: April 14, 2000 ip:
Whoop! Did you see that?! Didn�t SONY say, that the PS2 has only 4MB of texture-ram?! How do they do textures like in "The Getaway" with 4MB video-ram?!?

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