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August 15, 2000

Acclaim reveals two PS 2 launch titles
Posted by @ 4:28 PM, EDT
Two games from Acclaim will be available at the US PS2 launch, 26th Oct.
A slice from the press release:

“Acclaim is pleased to announce that the company will support the launch of the PlayStation 2 beginning with Super Bust-A-Move and RC Revenge Pro,” said Evan Stein, Brand Director at Acclaim Entertainment. “Armed with a dedicated brand following and strong sales history, both games deliver simple, yet highly entertaining and addictive gameplay that appeal to a mass consumer audience.”

Thanks to Gamefan for the info.

# 1
Name: MikeD/, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, August, 16 2000 04:36 A.M. ip:
I read a article saying SONY supposed to be making PSX3 in five years.If so why?If so why in five yeas?Wasnt PSX out for more than five years? PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH SOME INFO BECAUSE IM DEBATING TO GET PSX2 IN OCT 26 2000 OR DREMCAST.I already have psx2 reserved but I think its not worth getting psx2 if there making psx3 in five years.Thats why im thinking about getting instead.Finally another rumor was the XBOX thats coming out 2001 is supposed to blow sony away.Well thats what some websites say.....Well email me back ASAP. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME..

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