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August 18, 2000

Wild Wild Racing interview
Posted by @ 11:40 AM, EDT
IGN posted an interview with Wild Wild Racing producer Kristian Ramsay-Jones.
A slice:

IGNPS2: So why did you decide to go for an off-road experience rather than a track based game?

KR-J: The game started from an off-road engine, so we inherited that at the start. The game engine allowed us to get right in and start making tracks. To give you an idea we got this last August, and in September we began to make tracks. We had our first tracks up and running by November. Each of the tracks are big, at about three minutes each, so it can really take a long time to build a level. Also we wanted to get some exploration element into the game as well, some sense of not knowing where the track is going. Short cuts that open up, so you have to explore all the time and the courses can keep on changing.
Full interview

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