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September 6, 2000

Wipeout Fusion Q&A
Posted by @ 2:29 PM, EDT
Gamespot posted an interview with one of Wipeout Fusion’s designers.
Here’s a bit:

GameSpot: What are some differences, as far as the features are concerned, between Wipeout Fusion and the games that came before?

Nevin: Basically, we have changed the truck structure and some of the environments. Instead of one track we now have three tracks per environment and each the tracks have its own unique theme. One of the tracks is a city level with an intricate sewer network. Then there is a jungle level that will have waterfalls, rivers, temples, and things like that. In terms of the tracks, we've made the game a lot bigger. There are three tracks per environment, as I said, and we currently have 23 tracks altogether. We also have a number of extras and new teams in the game. There are 8 teams in total, three old teams and 5 new ones. There are also two pilots per team as well, for a total of 16 unique racers.
Full interview

# 1
Name: wiper, E-mail: , Date: Thursday, September, 7 2000 1:16 P.M. ip:
The game looks awesome!!!!!!

Go to the site

to race against the best pilots in the word in the 3 first games in the series!!!!

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