Coca Cola the choice of the gamer generation?

Coca Cola is losing market share to Pepsi, with its never-ending Star Wars Episode One promotion, here in Japan in a very bad way. Not that I am sad for Coke, I've been a Pepsi as long as I can remember but that is another tale to be told later. But now Coke has something that has me flocking to the red vending machines a little bit more often. Coke is giving away free Playstation 2s, yep not just one or even hundred but one thousand of those bad boys. Makes you want to say Coke is it! This is all part of Coke's new TSU NA GA RU promotion which when translated means "Connect with Coke". As we all should know that this is a Japan only promotion but you can see more information on it at the following url

Entry into this contest is easy just fill out the online or mail in form and write in Coca Cola in Japanese. This promotion ends this Saturday March 11th and the winner will be drawn on the 31st of this month.

Here is a copy of the flyer that was hanging from many a vending machine.

Coke doesn't end the market blitz just yet. Coke has not teamed up with the company that so many gamers worship, Squaresoft. This one is a little harder as you actually have to buy Coke products and save points to enter. 6 points, which is six cans or bottles, to get some very cool prizes. Well Chris tell them what they've won. Well first there is a chance to win one of 5,000 Final Fantasy portable MD players with Squall's Sleeping Lion on the earpieces and the main body. Secondly you have a chance to win one of 5,000 Final Fantasy cellular phones and a Coca Cola Casio G-Shock watch. And finally what I consider to be the first prize is 10,000 Final Fantasy prize packs. This includes two t-shirts, what appears to be the game soundtracks, a video, and the crown jewel of the collection a Final Fantasy Special Box that includes a display case and a collection of two-inch figures for the FF7 and 8 games. With 10,000 being given away I'm sure you'll see one or two on ebay sometime soon.