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October 18, 2001

Nostromo p45 Controller review
Posted by @ 7:18 AM, EDT
We added a review of Belkin Components’ PS2 controller, Nostromo p45 GamePad:

The first thing you will notice upon picking up the p45 is how well it fits into your hands. A common complaint among many gamers is the small size of most gamepads. Fortunately, the p45 addresses this issue and you have more than enough space for your hands to breathe. Part of this is thanks to the larger triggers found on the front of the controller. Distinguishing between the 4 triggers is now hassle free. Another innovative feature of the p45 is the silver action stabilizer. This arch found on the end of each handle allows you to steady the controller for extended play. We found this very useful when playing driving games such as GT3.
Full review

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