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May 22, 2002

E3 news
Posted by @ 8:39 AM, EDT
Aaron is in LA checking out the games at E3.
Here�s a bit of his first report:

Online: Sony�s going online on August 27th with release of their Network Adaptor, which will allow for both Broadband and Analog connections. While Sony is quick to point out that 56k users won�t be left in the dark, it is up to the developer to decide if the game will support and analog connection. The Network Adapter will retail for $50 and include ISP software, game demos, and a coupon for Twisted Metal Black: Online.
Full article

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City announced
Rockstar Games recently announced Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the follow-up to Grand Theft Auto 3.
Here�s a bit of the press release:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is the latest installment in the gaming franchise that has exceeded 11 million units in total sales to-date. It will be available exclusively for PlayStation(R)2 and is expected to hit retail shelves in the United States on October 22nd.

Sam Houser, the executive producer of the Grand Theft Auto franchise and president of Rockstar Games, commented, "The success of Grand Theft Auto 3 has made us very proud, but it has also motivated us enormously. The work currently being done by our development and production teams in Edinburgh and New York is going to surpass the efforts of last year, as we set our sights on making an even more revolutionary gaming experience. This will be reflected in the size of the game, the scope of the gameplay, the extent of the gameplayer's freedom, the quality of production value and the all-important sense of style."

New Tomb Raider video on official website
Eidos will update the official Tomb Raider website with a new trailer today.

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