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Family Man ( PG-13 ) 2hrs 5mins Opens 22nd
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni
Cage is an investment banker who's got it all, a Ferrari, tons of money, a sweet job, and lots of Senoritas. Little does he know that on Christmas his life is about to change forever. Cage awakes on Christmas to find himself married to his college girlfriend in a house in the suburbs, with two kids. When he heads back to his apartment he finds that neither the doorman nor his neighbors recognize him. He eventually finds out that the only way to get out of this situation is to deal with it the best he can. After coming to grips with what is happening, learns that this life isn't so bad and that there is more to life than money.
This movie is really a cross between A Christmas Carol and Trading places. Maybe I'm growing soft in my old age, but I really enjoyed this movie. I can see that many people won't like this film, but if you are able to connect with the main character you will get a lot more out of this movie. Tea Leoni is pretty hot looking too, and that always makes a movie easier to watch. If you are still in the holiday spirit, this is a movie worth checking out.
You may like this movie if: You've ever second-guessed yourself after a life changing decision.
Bottom line: Extend your holiday season, go check out this flick for some holiday cheer.
3 controllers out of 4
All the Pretty Horses ( PG-13 ) 2hrs 15mins Opens 25th
Starring: Matt Damn, Penelope Cruz
Matt Damon plays John Grady Cole, a young Texas cowboy who leaves home with his friend Lacey Rawlins and goes down to Mexico, where he gets a job on a wealthy landowner's ranch. Just when he thinks things can't get any better, he meets the owner's daughter, Alejandera, and he falls in love with her. A happy ending is not to be, as Cole and Rawlins are thrown in a rough Mexican jail. Do they get out? What about the love affair between Damon and Cruz? Check out the film to find out.
I was dreading watching this flick. It looked like an old-fashioned sappy love story. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is basically an old-school cowboy movie. Penelope Cruz, whom I spoke about in Woman on Top (See the Archives) is as hot as ever, and is well cast in the role of a Mexican temptress. Damon does a solid job as a cowboy, and doesn't over play it. There is a compelling story, good acting, and some really beautiful scenery, so I definitely say this one is worth watching.
You may like this movie if: You like cowboy movies, and Penelope Cruz.
Bottom line: There is something here for guys and girls, so this is a very good date movie. Now if I could only get a date...
3 controllers out of 4
Castaway (PG-13) 2hrs 30min. Opens Dec 22nd
Starring: Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt
Tom Hanks plays Chuck Noland, an overworked FedEx employee who travels around the world making sure packages are delivered as scheduled. Right before Christmas he has to leave his girlfriend to tend to an Emergency overseas. His flight runs into a terrible storm, and soon he finds himself spending Christmas on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Chuck awakes on a deserted island with no food, no shelter, and very little hope. The only thing he has is his love for his girlfriend to keep him alive and trying to get off the island.
I should really review this movie as two different flicks. The first 2 hours of the movie is one, and the last half hour is another. The first part of the movie is good; I found it entertaining, and it was a style of movie I hadn't really seen before. Since there is nobody else on the island, Hanks doesn't do much talking. He's forced to convey his situation through his actions, which is something not very common in movies. Although it is a bit slow moving, his struggles to remain alive and get off the island are interesting. The second part of the movie is horrible. It really ruined the movie. They take interesting, revolutionary, filmmaking and turn it into utter Hollywood crap in just thirty minutes. If I had to watch this film again I would leave before all the stupid idealistic garbage comes up, you'll know when this is when you see it, but I don't want to spoil it beforehand.
You may like this movie if: You like long, boring movies
Bottom line: You'll wish to be stranded on an island with no movie theaters after sitting through this movie.

2 controllers out of 4
Dracula 2000 (R) 1hrs 45min. Opens Dec 22nd
Starring: Gerard Butler, Jonny Lee Miller, Justine Waddell, Christopher Plummer, Jennifer Esposito
Cashing in on the success of Bram Stoker's Dracula is the latest version directed by Wes Craven. Wes has not made a crappy movie in the last few months, so he figured he had better get to work. The plot has something to do with some vampires in New Orleans, and hot women getting attacked by them. Of course the vampires can't just take over, they've got to deal with some guy that knows who they are and wants to kill them. Blah blah blah.
I've never seen such blatant product placement in a movie. Virgin records is plastered all over this flick, and for no apparent reason. Maybe they did the soundtrack or something, ahh who cares? So anyway, the movie is retarded, it has nothing to do with Dracula, at least not the Dracula you are thinking of. Sure they try to pawn him off as Dracula, and later even Judas, but this is just a modern day vampire tale. There's no real nudity, except for a brief shot, but there are plenty of hot women throughout the movie. This was the only thing that kept me from poking my eyes out with my pen, but it wasn't enough to make this flick worth watching.
You may like this movie if: You have bad taste
Bottom line: You've no doubt snuck into movies before, now it's time to sneak out of one. Get out of the theater as soon as possible if you are stuck watching this turd.

1 controller out of 4
Title: Dude, Where's My Car? (PG-13) 1hr 30min. Opens Dec 15th
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Seann William Scott, Kristy Swanson
Jesse and Chester awake after a night of, well they aren't quite sure. To make matters worse they get a call from their girlfriends, "The Twins", and they tell them that they trashed their house, and they forgot their anniversary. They aren't worried, as they had already bought gifts for the twins but left them in the car. That's when all the trouble really starts because the car is gone. Wacky hijinks ensue as this dimwitted duo try to find their car.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the PG-13 rating here means NO NUDITY. Actually the PG-13 waters down the entire movie. Although there are some crazy scenes, you can't help but to feel they held back to get this rating (If you aren't familiar with the movie biz, PG-13 movies make a lot more money than R flicks). There are some hilarious scenes, and some disgusting ones too (Yes, there is a bit of male on male smooching), but they can't hold together this film's flimsy plot. All in all, this is an entertaining, yet very stupid movie, if you've seen the trailer for the film you know exactly what to expect.
You may like this movie if: You like stupid funny movies (Billy Madison, American Pie, Animal House, Vertical Limit)
Bottom line: It's going to be you and the guys checking this one out, not a whole lot going on here to interest the ladies. Unless they think the co-stars are cute (I'm not sure to sure about what girls think of them).

2 controllers out of 4
Vertical Limit (PG-13) 2hrs 7min. Opens Dec 8th
Starring: Chris O'Donnell, Bill Paxton, Robin Tunney, Scott Glenn, Izabella Scorupco
O'Donnell and Tunney are brother and sister, and both excellent climbers. After a climbing accident O'Donnell gives up the sport for the more subdued career of wildlife photography. His sister on the other hand goes on to become one of the world's best female climbers. When leading an ascent up "The World's Toughest Mountain" K-2, a disaster occurs, and they are now stranded a mere hour from the summit. The only one that can save them is, Gasp! Chris O'Donell and his group of ragtag rescuers.
There are unrealistic movies, and there are really really REALLY unrealistic movies; this one is the latter. This is what I walked away from the movie knowing about climbing: Self sacrifice is very common, If you are a climber you'll probably die, YOU NEED DEX!!!! (nobody explains what dex is, but you damn sure need it), and you can't put nitro-glycerin in the sun. This is one of those movies that will certainly disgust you if you are a climber, and will probably disgust you otherwise. The plot is lame, the characters are lame, the ending is lame, even the music is lame. Something good? Hmmmm, I guess the action scenes weren't too bad, but how many daring rescues and falls can one see in a two-hour movie?
You may like this movie if: You are seeing it for free. Hell not even then, I was getting paid to watch it and I hated it.
Bottom line: Go climb a hill with a few friends, argue the whole time, and fall down the hill about ten times. You just lived the movie. How's that for virtual reality?

1 controller out of 4
Proof of Life ( R ) 2hrs 20mins Opens Dec 8th.
Starring: Meg Ryan, Russell Crowe, David Caruso, David Morse, Pamela Reed
Meg Ryan and her husband are in South America while her husband is trying to build a dam. Unfortunately (I suppose) he gets kidnapped on his way to work. Russell Crowe comes to town to save the day, and negotiate his release. Much to our surprise something goes wrong, and alternative measures must be taken to get her husband back.
You know how some poor actor has to be the one that mumbles the movie's title during the actual movie, no matter how awkwardly it fits in the actual title? (Think James Bond here) Fear not because every person in this movie says the words "Proof of Life", oh yeah, you're not cool unless you say "Proof of Life" in this flick. Anyways, it wasn't too bad, there was some good action and a decent plot, so I enjoyed it. Why did they even tease this little love interest between Ryan and Crowe in the preview? Because girls are into Crowe and they will go see this because of that. There is NO romance in this movie, the attraction makes no sense, and is only hinted at twice. The movie is a bit long, and gets slow in some spots, but it is the best action flick out there right now, so it's worth a look.
You may like this if: You dig action flicks, and haven't seen a good one in a while.
Bottom Line: Not a bad flick. Since it has Russell Crowe in it, you might be able to trick your girlfriend into going. Try this, "Honey do you want to see that new Russell Crowe, Meg Ryan movie? No, I don't know what it's about, but I think they are in love or something."
2.5 Controllers out of 4
Emperor's New Groove (G) 1hr 20min. Opens Dec 22nd
Starring: David Spade, John Goodman
David Spade is the voice of a young, not so kind emperor. After getting an old man thrown out of a palace window for "Busting his Groove", he summons a peasant (Goodman) to inform him that he is going to build his summer home over their entire village. Emperor Kuskov's former advisor wants to kill him for firing her, but thanks to a mistake by her bumbling sidekick, he only gets turned into a Llama. Quite by chance, the emperor's path crosses with Goodman, and the two embark on an outrageous journey to get the emperor's groove back.
I was expecting nothing when I went to watch this movie. The preview looked pretty lame, and even the poster turned me off. So it really says something that this movie was able to change my mind, and that I really enjoyed it. Believe it or not, David Spade is perfect as the voice of the emperor. He creates a character that is perfect as the spoiled young emperor, and he adds some comedic wit at every turn. Of course Goodman is great as a big common man (Basically John Conner in a cartoon form). The movie isn't long at all, and moves on at a fast pace, so the kids won't be too bored.
You may like this movie if: You like Disney movies
Bottom line: This one is worth checking out. Maybe you could earn some brownie points with Santa and take your siblings to this movie.
3 controllers out of 4
The Grinch: (PG) 1hr 47min. Opened Nov 17th
Starring: Jim Carey, Molly Shannon, Anthony Hopkins
Jim Carey plays the Grinch in this live action remake of Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Unlike the book this story also tells the story of the young grinch, and why he hates Christmas. The movie does remain pretty faithful to the book for the latter half of the movie, so fans of the book won't be disappointed.
As you most likely know, movies based on books tend to, well they tend to suck. Knowing that I didn't expect much when I saw this movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. Seeing the Grinch when he was young, and seeing just why he hated Christmas so much was a nice touch, and it didn't ruin any of the original story in any way. I thought the Whos were a bit creepy looking, especially little Cindy-Lou-Who, and her HUGE front teeth. Jim Carey did a great job as the Grinch, and while I could tell it was him, he didn't do too many of his usual routines. Since the movie has already made $138 million in ten days, chances are you've seen this one already. If you haven't, and you are remotely interested in seeing it, go check it out.
You may like this movie if: You like Dr.Seuss, or you have to see a children's movie, and can't force yourself to sit through The Rugrats in Paris.
Bottom line: A good holiday flick, we'll be seeing this thing on TV for years to come at Christmas.
2.5 Controllers out of 4
Unbreakable: ( PG-13 ) 1hr 45mins Opened Nov 22nd
Starring: Bruce Willis, Robin Wright Penn, Samuel L Jackson, Charlayne Woodard, Spencer Treat Clark
Bruce Willis is the only survivor of a deadly train crash. Not only is he the only survivor, he didn't have a scratch on him. This catches the interest of Samuel L. Jackson, who plays a comic book art dealer with a crippling bone disease. He contacts Willis and gives him a surprising theory on why he was the only one to live on that fateful day.
The trailer for this movie did an excellent job of not giving anything away about the movies plot, and in this day and age that is something that I really enjoy. Too many movies show you the whole movie in a 2 and a half-minute trailer, it's pathetic. I felt that this movie had a lot in common with The Sixth Sense, than the same director, Bruce Willis, and a creepy brown haired boy. It's hard to talk about this movie and not give anything away about its plot, so I'll just stick to what I thought about it. It's not very fast paced, and it really drags for about 45 minutes in the middle of the movie, but it picks up at the end to make up for it. It was a good movie, with good acting, and I really enjoyed the ending.
You may like this if: You enjoyed the Sixth Sense, or you like reading comic books
Bottom Line: This movie might not have the universal appeal of The Sixth Sense, but it's a good movie, and worth your time to check it out.
3 Controllers out of 4
Rugrats In Paris:The Movie: (G) 1hr. 20min. Opened Nov 17th.
Starring: Chuckie, Tommy, Angelica, Lil, Phil, Dil, and Kimi
The Rugrats are off to Paris in a brand new cartoon movie adventure. While there, the evil lady who runs Euro-Reptarland wants to marry Chuckie's dad so she can look better in the eyes of her Japanese boss, and maybe get a promotion. Once the kids get wind of her evil plan, they'll do anything to stop it. Of course cartoon craziness ensues as the Rugrats find themselves doing what they do best; getting in trouble.
I used to like the Rugrats back in the day, really I did. Now I would rather get hit by a train than watch one of their movies. Maybe I can only handle them in a half-hour format, that includes commercial breaks. Whatever the reason, watching a Rugrats flick is an experience that I now dread. This movie was no exception. It was horrible from its pitiful start to its pathetic finish. I did think of 23 new ways to kill myself using just things found in a theater, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. If you are forced to take some kids to see this movie you've got two choices the way I see it. The first choice is to just put them up for adoption, and the second is to drop them off in the movie, and sit in the theater bathroom for an hour and a half. This movie is a turd, stay far away from it.
You may like this movie if: You forgot to take your medication
Bottom line: Any movie with "Who Let the Dogs Out?" in it sucks.

Toilet Paper Award
Almost Famous: (R) 2hrs 10min. Opens Sep 22nd
Starring: Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand, Kate Hudson, Zooey Deschanel, Jason Lee
Cameron Crowe (Jerry Maguire) wrote this story based on his experience as a writer for Rolling Stone magazine. William Miller is a bright, fifteen-year-old boy, who is given the opportunity of a lifetime to write a cover story for a major magazine. With much reservation, his mother decides to let him go cover the band Stillwater. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll are just a few of the things young William must learn about on his journey across the country. Life is not all parties however, and William soon finds getting his story is going to be much more difficult than he originally thought.
This movie has been receiving an early buzz as a possible Oscar candidate, and when taking into account this years weak offerings it very well could be. Almost Famous is a good "coming of age" story, and it puts a refreshing spin on the genre. The story is well written, though some of it is a little hard to believe, it's based on real-life events that even Rolling Stone had a hard time believing. The acting is pretty solid, and I particularly enjoyed Jason Lee's (Mallrats, Chasing Amy) portrayal of Stillwater's lead singer. The middle of the movie took some odd turns and began to drag, but it winds up at a frantic pace, almost like it is trying to make up for its slow middle. The film's soundtrack was a bit of a letdown, because I was expecting more songs, or at least better songs. The film begins with a number from Alvin and the Chipmunks (I'm not kidding), and it has some of The Who, Simon and Garfunkel, and Elton John, all fine artists but I was expecting something like the soundtrack from "Forrest Gump".
You may like this movie if: You grew up in the 70's or are a big music fan.
Bottom line: This movie is not without its flaws, but it has a really good story, it's worth a look.
3 Controllers out of 4
Woman on Top: ( R ) 1hr 25mins Opens Sept 22nd
Starring: Penelope Cruz, Mark Feuerstein, Murilo Benicio, Harold Perrineau Jr.
Penelope Cruz plays a young Brazilian woman who is an underappreciated chef in her husband's restaurant. Being underappreciated is not her only problem, oh no; she also suffers from severe motion sickness. It seems the only way she can move alot without getting sick is if she is in the drivers seat, taking the lead while dancing, and you guessed it, on top during sex. Her husband can't handle this for some reason, and cheats on her. After she catches him, she heads off to San Francisco, with her husband chasing after her. Laughter and romance ensue as she tries to put her life back together.
Penelope Cruz is soooooooo HOT! As pitiful as this movie was, I didn't care because of how amazing she looks. As far as the plot goes, it is pretty weak, and similar to "There's Something About Mary", except that it's not good. The movie moves from being serious issues to showing the smell of Penelope's culinary masterpieces wafting throughout the air, just like in a cartoon. These odd cartoon-like elements stick out like a sore thumb, and whoever thought of them should be forced to sit through "Backstage". Back to Penelope, I'm not kidding when I say she made me forget about the plot. She could have sat on a chair and played the harmonica, and I would still give this movie a decent review. Since I like my readers so much, I'm posting a couple of bonus pictures of this goddess. Btw she only gets PG-13 naked.
You may like this if: You like watching movies with hot women, regardless of how bad they are.
Bonus pics: pic #1, pic #2, pic #3
Bottom Line: This movie gets one controller for its story, and one for Penelope. Hot! Hot! Hot!

2 Controllers out of 4
Duets: (R) 1hr. 40min. Opens September15th.
Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Andre Braugher, Maria Bello, Paul Giamatti, Huey Lewis
This story is not so much about Karaoke as it is about six people who happen to share a similar interest. Theres a traveling salesman whos had enough, an ex-con on a wild adventure, a hustler, a taxi driver, a showgirl, and a girl who performs "favors" to get people to help her out. In a story similar to "Magnolia", we watch the story unfold, and see how destiny draws this group together.
Thank the lord this movie was nothing like the preview. There is a pretty good story taking place, and some nice acting to boot. The story was a mixture of humor, drama, and a bit of gunplay, and with six different main characters it never got boring. For those of you who dont know, Gwyneth Paltrow sings her own numbers in this movie. I thought this was an over-hyped aspect of the film since Paltrow sings a grand total of two songs. Although she is not bad, its really not that big a deal in the movie. Seeing Huey Lewis was very entertaining, at least to me. I remember his corny music videos from the 80s, and I still picture him with his head buried in the sand in the "If This is It" video. If anyone is wondering Maria Bello was the hottie owner of Coyote Ugly, and she gets a bit naked in this flick. Its hard to find a specific reason that I enjoyed this film, but if I was to give one it would be the unique way all the characters meet in the same place, and the journey they went through to get there.
You may like this movie if: You enjoyed "Magnolia", or if you are curious to see Huey Lewis in a movie.
Bottom line: Your girlfriend might be trying to drag you to see this flick since it has Paltrow in it. Heres a tip: go. Its pretty amusing, and a painless way to score some points You know you need all the points you can get these days since you quit taking her out to dinner to save for a Playstation2.
3 Controllers out of 4
Nurse Betty: (R) 1hr 55 min. Opens September 8th.
Starring: Morgan Freeman, Renee Zellweger, Chris Rock, Greg Kinnear
I dont want to spoil the plot of this movie for you, so this preview will be short. This is the story of a small town woman, her obsession with a soap opera, and some hitmen that are out to get her. What follows is a journey cross-country from Kansas to Los Angeles that must be seen to be understood.
This movie was great. After watching two duds this week, I was not looking forward to sitting through another stinker. I hadnt heard much about it, and Im not a huge Renee Zellweger fan so my expectations were low. Ive got to give Renee credit, she was outstanding in this movie, and she played her part perfectly. Greg Kinnear plays his typical character, which he does so well, and Morgan Freeman is enjoyable as a hitman. Chris Rock plays his partner, and although he is not a great fit as a hitman, he does provide some timely comic relief. This movie offers a unique plot that gives you an opportunity to really ponder what is going on as it happens. I often found myself wondering about other aspects of Nurse Bettys life outside of chasing her dream. Its really hard to explain, but I highly recommend this movie to anyone that is tired of all the garbage coming out the last couple weeks.
You may like this movie if: You like comedy, or any of the stars of this film.
Bottom line: One of the few movies out now that is worth the price of admission.
3.5 Controllers out of 4
Turn it Up: (R) 1hr 25min. Opens September 8th.
Starring: Pras, Ja Rule, Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill
This movie used to be called Ghetto Superstar, but now it is Turn it Up. Diamond (Pras) is an aspiring rapper, and Gage (Ja Rule) is his manager, together they are trying to record Diamonds debut album, and hit the big time. The problem is they are low on money and cant afford studio time. Both of them are couriers for a major player in the drug trade of New York, but they want out, and Diamonds rap career appears to be their only way out. Along the way, Diamond faces many personal challenges, and realizes that it is time to grow up.
Deep down, if you look really hard, there is a compelling story. Unfortunately it is almost completely overshadowed by lousy acting and pointless action scenes. With two rappers headlining, I didnt come into this movie expecting Masterpiece Theater, but I wasnt prepared for the slow speaking mumbling dialogue of this flick. The action scenes are all rather awkward, almost always ending with machine gun fire, and they dont really fit into the story. There were a few good songs in the movie, but they got repetitive at times, since we witnessed much of the recording of Diamonds album. The only reason I am not destroying this movie is because I actually saw something worse this week.
You may like this movie if: You really like Pras or Ja Rule. Or some of the crap movies Ice Cube does.
Bottom line: Save your money. Stay home and watch PCU or Pee-Wees Big Adventure on Comedy Central.

1 Controller out of 4
Backstage: ( R ) 1hrs 30mins Opens September 8th.
Starring: DMX, Method Man, Jay-Z, Ja Rule, Eve, Redman
This is a documentary of the "Its a Hard Knock Life Tour". The cameras follow the stars around their hotels, buses, limos, and dressing rooms. Nothing is off limits, as you will see arguments between performers, groupies, parties, and of course the concert itself.
Why was this made? This is not a documentary; this is a couple hacks with cheap equipment trying to make a couple of bucks. There is no reason for this "movie" to have been made. Most of the "movie" is spent listening to the rappers yell, or ramble on incoherently. Ever wonder how much dope your favorite rapper smokes? A lot. They get high before the show, during the show, after the show, and any other chance they get. The film starts out introducing each rapper one at a time, and shows a clip of them talking about how they got their start or where they are from, but this is quickly abandoned, and we are left with snippets of different concerts that flow together poorly. I cannot stress enough what a complete waste of film, and my time this "movie" was. My only consolation is hoping that I can dissuade just one person away from this "movie".
You may like this if: You are mentally incapacitated, incapable of rational thought, or are one of the 500 morons in this "movie"
Bottom Line: Find the toughest guy you can find, talk bad about his mother, and get the crap beat out of you. Thats similar to the experience I had watching this garbage.

Toilet Paper Award
The Crew: (PG-13) 1hr 30min. Opens August 25th.
Starring: Burt Reynolds, Richard Dreyfuss, Seymour Cassel, Dan Hedaya
Reynolds, Dreyfuss, Cassel, and Hedaya are four former wiseguys (mobsters) who are now retired in Miami, Florida. Instead of performing mob-hits they are now reduced to driving around looking for free meals and dreaming of days past. When faced with an eviction notice from their hotel, they are forced to take action into their own hands. Once they have their first deed behind them, they are all rejuvenated and re-living their glorious pasts. The happiness is short lived as soon the cops come looking for answers.
Old fogies reliving their past, wasnt that Space Cowboys? Well Space Cowboys was the better movie, but this movie held its own. A lighthearted comedy, it tries just a little hard to be funny, but it has some great moments. Jennifer Tilly has nice breasts. That may seem like an ignorant comment, but when all she does in a movie is show cleavage, Im going to comment on it. While certain elements of the movie were a little lame, they kept the movie from being totally slapstick, I just wish they were a little more interesting. All in all I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. After seeing its disappointing weekend gross, I was not expecting much, but sometimes I get lucky.
You may like this movie if: You enjoy Gangster movies, or if you liked Space Cowboys
Bottom line: Probably best suited as a rental since a lot of people have been disappointed, but I think its worth checking out.

2 controllers out of 4
Highlander:Endgame ( R ) 1hr 35mins Opens: Sept 1st.
Starring: Adrian Paul, Christopher Lambert, Lisa Barbuscia, WWFs Edge
TVs Highlander, Adrian Paul teams up with Christopher Lambert of the Highlander films to battle evil in the fourth incarnation of the series. Jacob Kell is determined to kill the last remaining immortals and take their powers. Kell states that he is "changing the rules of the game" and employs a crew of assassins to help in his cause. Along the way flashbacks are used extensively to show the relationships of the main characters throughout the course of time. The movie ends with a big fight scene. Who wins? To quote the movie "There can be only one".
There are two types of people who will be watching this movie, those who have seen all the movies in the series, and those who have seen none. Believe it or not, this is the first Highlander movie I have seen. I did not go into the movie totally uninformed however. I was fully briefed by a friend before the show, and he watched it with me, impatiently answering the constant questions I had to ask . "What was that?" Id ask, " A quickening, now shut up" was his reply. The director knew the audience he was going for and catered to them; he assumes his audience is already familiar with the story. The movie has a fair bit of action, and to its credit, it does try to explain some things to newbies, but usually long after the fact. The movie has a surprise ending that was met with mixed reaction from the group that I watched it with. WWF fans watching this movie to see one half of the "fightingist Tag team champions" are in for a big letdown. Despite heavy promoting of this movie on Raw, Edge is only in the movie for about a minute. All in all, it was a decent flick, but very confusing if you dont know the story.
You may like this if: You like any of the Highlander movies, or the television show
Bottom Line: If you have not seen Highlander before this, dont bother starting here. Rent the first one and save yourself the headache of trying to figure this one out.

2 controllers out of 4
Bring it On: ( PG-13 ) 1hr 40mins Opens Aug25th.
Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Bradford, Gabrielle Union, Eliza Dushku, Claire Kramer
Torrance (Kirsten Dunst) is Rancho Carnes new head cheerleader. Things are difficult right off the bat when the squad losses a girl due to an injury. After finding a replacement, the squad is faced with an even bigger dilemma; unbeknownst to them, all their cheers have been stolen from a school in East Compton. Drama ensues as both squads head off to nationals, determined to prove that they are the best.
Does someone really hate Kirsten Dunst? I like her, even though she gets crap roles all the time; Dick, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Small Soldiers, someone give this girl a decent role. If you have already decided to watch this movie, then youre going to go no matter what I say, but here goes. The good thing about this movie is that its pretty funny, there are a fair amount of laughs, at least more than I thought there would be. It is actually a similar movie in style to Drop Dead Gorgeous, another Kirsten Dunst movie, and its got Denise Richards. Tasty. The bad thing about this movie is that it is boring, and very very predictable. After running out of new plot ideas halfway into the movie, this flick keeps rehashing the same points over and over again. "When we see you at nationals you better bring it", "Oh my god, we like need some new cheers!", " are you into my brother?" blah blah blah. Since I shared a great line out of Godzilla last week, here is one from Bring it On; "Missy is the poop, so youd better smell it". That is actually said as a compliment; maybe Im getting too old, but when quotes like this are flying around I have a hard time making it through the movie. Another thing Im thinking is that if Im stealing anything, Im not stealing from anybody in Compton. Im no fool. Nobody gets naked, but there are a bunch of hotties throughout the flick, but after the first twenty minutes most of the money shots are over with. I think a fair amount of you guys will like this movie for some reason, so if you are dying to see this one, have a blast.
You may like this if: You enjoyed Drop Dead Gorgeous. Or have a cheerleader fetish.
Bottom Line: I thought it was garbage, but some people will like it.
1.5 Controllers out of 4
Art of War: ( R) 2hrs Opens August 25th.
Starring: Wesley Snipes, Marie Matiko, Anne Archer, Donald Sutherland, Michael Biehn
Wesley Snipes is an undercover secret agent guy, a la Mission Impossible. He specializes in doing missions for the United Nations, and hes quite good at what he does. China is about to sign a treaty that is going to open their borders to worldwide commerce, but someone is not happy with this, and they assassinate the Chinese ambassador before he can sign the treaty. Wesley snipes is accused of the crime, and now must prove his innocence.
I have a feeling that this movie was one of the rejected scripts for a Mission Impossible movie. If you have seen the preview, youll know exactly what I am talking about. Cough cough "Ripoff!" cough. Sorry about that, I seem to be coming down with something. Perhaps it is from watching all these crap movies lately. Unfortunately, everything the director "borrowed" from Mission Impossible, he did poorly. This movie actually starts off rather well, with some nice action and a decent plot. Soon it falls apart, and we are left to watch mindless action, and meaningless plot twists. This is yet another movie that you will be able to predict long before it ends. I found myself the last hour praying for a power outage so I wouldnt have to finish the movie but God hates me so I had to sit through the movies "climatic" ending. This is a summer movie, and Warner Brothers is only predicting a total gross of 25 million, so they know what a stinker they have on their hands. I guess there are not a whole lot of action movies coming out soon, so you might want to see this if you need your fix of explosions.
You may like this if: You are in dire need of an action movie.
Bottom Line: ZZZZzzzzzzzzz. You had me for the first hour, then you lost me.
1.5 Controllers out of 4
What Lies Beneath: (PG-13) 2hrs 10min. Opened along time ago
Starring: Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Amber Valletta, James Remar, Katharine Towne
After seeing their only daughter off to college, Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer are looking forward to life without children. Unfortunately being alone turns out to be something Pfeiffer soon fears. After witnessing some strange activities at the neighbors home, Michelle Pfeiffer begins hearing things around the house. Each day stranger things happen; doors open by themselves, and pictures crash to the floor. Harrison Ford, who plays a Research Scientist at a local University, encourages his wife to seek counseling but he soon becomes convinced that something is amiss.
This movie was quite different than what I expected it to be. I was expecting a drama, similar to what Ford did in that boring plane crash movie, and what Pfeiffer did in that boring kidnapped kid movie. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised to find a much more engaging story than either of those two movies. Watching this movie in a 400-seat theater alone was the perfect way to watch this movie. Im not going to lie to you, I jumped several times, and I always had a suspicion that someone was going to creep up behind me and scare the hell out of me. Both these stars are beginning to look their age, but Harrison is still one of my favorite actors. Im a guy, I dont care how handsome he looks; I only care if he looks like he can pull of the next Indiana Jones movie. If you havent caught this one at the local theater yet, and you are in the mood for a good suspenseful flick be sure to give this one a look.
You may like this movie if: You are a suspenseful movie lover, or a big Harrison Ford fan.
Bottom line: This movie has been out for a while, so if you get to the theater this weekend and want to avoid a crowd, watch this movie.
3 controllers out of 4
The Cell: (R) 1hr 48mins. Opens August 18th
Starring: Jennifer Lopez, Vince Vaughn, Vincent D'Onofrio, Musetta Vander, Marianne Jean-Baptiste
A serial killer is stalking the city of Los Angeles, and another girl has just been kidnapped. Before he is able to kill the girl, the killer is caught by the FBI. Unfortunately he has suffered from something similar to a stroke, and is now permanently comatose. Fortunately Ms. Lopez is a doctor at a facility which deals with patients in this situation. She travels into the killer's mind, to try and find out where the girl is being held, before it is too late.
Speaking of comatose, I was praying for my own lapse into the dream world during this flick. While this could loosely be termed a sci-fi movie, there is very little science actually going on here. The premise of Lopez going into people's minds, and helping them work out their fears is pretty lame, and the movie further discredits itself by showing Jennifer at home smoking pot, and watching TV. Is this supposed to help me believe that she is a great scientific mind? Being predictable also did nothing to help this movie, as I was almost dead on guessing the ending, which in itself is not all that bad, but when I guess the ending a half hour into the movie, it makes for a long evening. The special effects were pretty good, and the killer's dream is a very bizarre place, but there is nothing particularly outstanding idea wise here. Everything looks like you think that it would, never ending staircases, odd shaped rooms, typical weird bad dream stuff. I felt that there was a lot of unnecessary disgusting stuff, as after a while it quits making you hate the killer, and just starts to make you sick. I don't mind this sort of thing if it is relevant to the plot, but it's not here.
You may like this movie if: You are a big sci-fi fan. Lopez fans will be disappointed, she's pretty lousy and fully clothed in this movie
Bottom line: Watch a scary movie you have at home, take a nap, and have some bad dreams of your own. Save your money.

1 controller out of 4
Godzilla 2000: ( PG ) 1hrs 38mins Opens August 18th.
Starring: Takehiro Murata, Hiroshi Abe, Naomi Nishida, Shiro Sano, Mayu Suzuki
Godzilla is back, and once again terrorizing Japan. As he stomps across the country, two groups are following him, one group intent on destroying Godzilla and one that wants to study him. As Godzilla makes his way towards Tokyo, the Japanese find that they have other problems on their hands, a giant rock. Damn straight, a rock. It turns out that this rock is "special" and it does not like Godzilla. Is this a good thing? Will Godzilla defeat the great rock? What happens to Tokyo? You'll just have to check this one out to find out.
This is definitely a throw back to Godzilla in his heyday. Gone is the 100 million-dollar Hollywood monster, back is a guy in a rubber suit, stomping on models, smashing power lines, and terrorizing badly dubbed Japanese actors. This movie was great. Well, it was actually a terrible movie, but it never takes itself seriously, and allows you to have fun while you are watching. Pointing out ridiculous things, and laughing at dialogue like "It'll pass throw him like crap through a goose" is a great way to spend a Friday night. There's not more I can say about this except stress how old school it is. You feel like you could be watching this on a beta videotape, chilling on the couch without a remote drinking some RC Cola.
You may like this if: You like any Godzilla flicks, old monster movies, or Mystery Science Theater. You could be Joel, and your friends could be Crow and Tom Servo and laugh it up the whole time.
Bottom Line: An entertaining movie, the buddy flick of the month.
3 controllers out of 4
The Original Kings of Comedy: ( R ) 1hrs 55mins Opens August 18th
Starring: DL Hughley, Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer, Bernie Mac
In the spirit of Eddie Murphy's Raw, Spike Lee brings you the Kings of Comedy. Steve Harvey hosts the movie, which is for the most part film from a concert in Charlotte, North Carolina. There is some behind the scenes footage, and a few short interview segments, but this movie is all about the comedy. Steve Harvey starts the show, and then each comic does a twenty-minute set. Between each act, Steve Harvey comes out for ten minutes and entertains before introducing the next entertainer.
This film, as with any comedy show, had its highs and it's lows. Mostly this will be determined by which comics are you favorite, but sometimes it just drags. Steve Harvey's segments, while funny in parts tend to get really boring. He switches gears from comedy, to talking about old Motown hits of the 1970's and then singing and dancing to some of those hits. I had never heard any of these songs, so this part was really boring to me. Alot of the humor here is geared towards making fun of white people, something I don't like, not because I get offended, but I feel like there is a big double standard when it comes to that sort of thing. But, I got over it and overall I thought the show was enjoyable.
You may like this if: You enjoy standup comedy, and shows like Eddie Murphy's Raw, or any of Chris Rock's shows.
Bottom Line: There are better shows out there on videotape, but this one's allright. If you are in the mood for some laughs, check it out.

2 controllers out of 4
Bless the Child: (R) 1hr 50min. Opens August 11th
Starring: Kim Basinger, Angela Bettis, Jimmy Smits, Rufus Sewell, Christina Ricci
Hmmm....The plot for this one? The movie begins when Codys ( The little girl ) mom leaves her with Kim Basinger. The doctors feel that Cody may be autistic, but Basinger feels that it may be something else. Jump ahead several years, and we find out that several young children have been kidnapped and murdered. Suspiciously, Codys mom comes back into her life, and with her new husband try to gain custody of Cody. What follows is a sort of supernatural thriller, which is neither super, nor thrilling.
Lets start with the good about this movie. Jimmy Smits, who plays a detective, does a nice job. This is no surprise given his history on NYPD Blue (as a detective), but he is one of the few bright spots of the film. Thats it for the good stuff, heres the rest. From the start, this movie is predictable. It is not difficult to figure out how the movie ends even when you are only 45 minutes into it, and most of the suspenseful parts are ruined by how predictable they are. This movie also assumes that its viewers have an IQ of about, twelve. Any subtle hints, or plot points dont remain subtle for long as director Chuck Russell, makes sure that it gets spelled out for you, over and over again. Yeah, I get it. The little girl is special. Tell me a hundred times, just so I dont forget. Rufus Sewell seems to think that being a bad guy mostly revolves around opening your eyes real wide all the time, and dont get me started on Christina Ricci. Why Christina? Why?
Hard-core thriller-suspense fans might enjoy this, but I sure didnt.
Bottom line: This movie blows. Instead of buying a ticket, take your seven dollars, light it on fire and watch it burn, its more fun and its a better use of your money.

1 controller out of 4
Hollow Man: ( R ) 2hrs 10mins Opened on August 4th.
Starring: Elisabeth Shue, Kim Dickens, Kevin Bacon, Greg Grunberg, Josh Brolin
Kevin Bacon and his research team have discovered a way to make living things invisible, the problem is, they are having trouble making them reappear. Kevin Bacon finds a way to stabilize the serum, and after several successful trials on lab animals, he decides its time for him to disappear. The main problem that we see with the animals when they are invisible, is that they are easily angered, the same holds true for Bacon. We get to see what happens when an invisible man is hell bent on staying that way.
Im sure most of you have heard of the " Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon "game. Im going to play it right now linking all the cast members in one move, using only movies that bite. Kevin Bacon was in HollowMan which sucked, with Elisabeth Shue who was in Hollowman which sucked, with Kim Dickens who was in Hollowman which sucked, with Greg Grunberg, who was in Hollowman which sucked, with Josh Brolin who was in Hollow man, which sucked. Its a simple game that you can play with all your friends, and show off your amazing movie knowledge. The movie takes an interesting concept of " What would you do if you were invisible?" and ruins it. If your answer is " act like a psycho, and molest women", you might like it. I was really turned off by the fact that all Bacon seemed to do when invisible was assault women. Im not one of those people that hate violence in movies, but I feel like this aspect of the story was taken way too far, and for me it helped ruin the movie. Those of you who enjoy pointing out inconsistencies and implausibility in your movies, will have a field day here.
Bottom line: A good movie idea gone horribly wrong. If you are bored enough to watch this, read War and Peace. Backwards. Its a better way to spend your time.

1 Controller out of 4
Space Cowboys: PG-13, 2hrs 15min. Opens August 4th.
Starring: Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner
This is the story of four former Air Force pilots that lost their chance to go into space to a chimp in the 1950s. 40 years later a Russian satellite threatens to crash into the Earth, and the only man that can keep it in space is the man who programmed it, Clint Eastwood. Eastwood will only go up if his original team goes up together, and eventually this team of geezers accomplish their goal of finally going into space.
This movie was overall very enjoyable. You can basically divide it into two parts. The first hour of the movie is more of a comedy, and story driven, while the second half of the movie has a lot of emotion and is very action oriented. The movie moves along at a fast pace and never really gets too boring, because just when it starts to get slow, the action kicks in. The movie has a surprise last 45 minutes that the previews did not elude to, which is always something that I enjoy. Nothing is worse than knowing the end of a movie before you go into it. Although this movie is geared more to adults, older adults at that, its a good movie that many can enjoy.
3 controllers out of 4
Coyote Ugly: PG-13, 1hr 50min. Opens August 4th.
Starring: Piper Perabo, Maria Bello, John Goodman, Melanie Lynskey, Adam Garcia
No Nudity. This movie is PG-13 so you are out of luck. As you know from the preview there are a bunch of hotties that work in a bar and look hot. The shocker here is that there is more to the story, and its actually an entertaining movie. Violet ( Piper Perabo) is a songwriter from New Jersey. She leaves for New York City to pursue her dream, and finds that life in the big city is not all that she dreamed of. She eventually gets a job at a bar called Coyote Ugly, a wild bar where the girls dance on the bar, take shots with the customers, and spray the crowd with water when a newbie orders a glass of H2O.
I was shocked to find that I enjoyed this flick. As soon as I found out that it was PG-13 I lost all hope, but an interesting story that really didnt focus on the bar kept me interested. Those of you who watching for Tyra Banks will be disappointed as she is only in the movie for about fifteen minutes. Leann Rimes makes a surprise cameo as well. I say surprise because I didnt hear a word about it in the hype leading up to the movie, and it was only after reading the press kit that I found out about it. The bottom line is that this is a pretty decent movie that has a lot of hot women in it, and a pretty good story. If you and your buddies are bored this weekend head out to the movies and catch this one.
2.5 controllers out of 4
The Replacements: PG-13, 2hrs. Opens August 11th.
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman, The make 7-UP yours guy.
As you might have guessed this movie is about Football replacement players. After a money related work impasse occurs, the owners of the league decide to continue the season with replacement players. Keanu Reeves shows what a diverse actor he is by growing long hair for this flick. He leads his team of has-beens and misfits, and wacky hijinks ensue.
Yet another movie that looked trifling in its previews but turned out to be pretty good. Fortunately for this movie it does not try to take itself to seriously. A good example of this would be when opposing players are distracted when one of the cheerleaders brings her exotic dancer friends to the game to help cheer, and they get quite friendly with each other. Some things seem to be ripped directly from other movies however, there is one player that is eeringly similar to the Waterboy, and another sequence that involves a player vomiting on the field a la Any Given Sunday. The third movie I enjoyed this week, which is in itself no small accomplishment, I would recommend this movie to anyone that enjoys sports-comedies. If you liked Major league, Varsity Blues or the Waterboy, youll dig this flick.
2.5 controllers out of 4