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E3 2002 - Part5
By: Aaron Thomas

Day 2 brought a whole new batch of celebs for me to track down, and track them down I did. I actually spent more time trying to find these people than playing games. It was damn fun though read on to see who I found.

Victim #4: Stacy Kiebler, Wrestler and WWE Diva
How I bagged her: I bribed my way to the front of the line with an autograph of Mr. T and my press credentials. Of course, by the time I got to her I was a blithering idiot and she most likely figured I was one of Jerrys Kids.

Victim #5: Mr. T, Clubber Lang in the Rocky movies
How I bagged him: Mr. T was at the show plugging the new Rocky game. He was a riot yelling to the line, the crowd, pretty much anyone who would listen. I got to wear his dinner plate, which weighed at least 15 pounds for my picture. Notice the fork and spoon hanging off of his necklace

Victim #6: Star wide receiver for the Jacksonville Jaguars
Shrine Stalker: Aaron Thomas
How we bagged him: Keenan was in Florida taking on challengers at Madden 2003 online. He was on the TV over my display and we talked to each other through a snazzy microphone. EAs people told me to talk lots of trash to him, which I did, and it was a blast. I beat him 7-0, the crowd cheered, and he thanked me for a good game. One of my greatest gaming moments ever.

Victim #7: Robin Williams, Movie Star
Shrine Stalker: Aaron Thomas
How I bagged him: I had just sat down and was chatting with a security guard, when he mentioned that he had heard that Robin Williams was in the Sony booth. I hopped up, and quickly found the mob that was near him. I had just put my camera away a few minutes before, so I ran and got a friends, beat the crowd and snapped a picture. Before he could run away, I shook his hand and said "hello." Today was a good day.

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