Another game by From Software is the action RPG Evergrace that is also known for its King's Field and Armored Core games.
Evergrace was meant to be developed for the PSX but then the developers saw that much more could be done with this game on the PS2. I'm sure the developers will now be able to realize their goals and make the game exactly how they want with virtually no limitations to worry about.
Some evidence is already showing that this is shaping up to be a much better game because the graphics are already a huge leap ahead of the initial PSX version.
Being an RPG there is of course an involving storyline, it goes something like this:
The game takes place many years ago in a medieval setting. Yuterald is the main character, he has mastered his sword fighting skills over the years and after his parents was tragically killed by assassins, Yuterald seeks revenge on their killers.
He proceeds to hunt them down but in his journey he is magically transported to a strange place called the Ryuben Empire.
Sharami is a neighbor of Yuterald, she was supposed to have been killed by assassins in the PSX version but now she is brought back to life and turned into a main character for the new version of the game. She is then transported to the Ryben Empire when Yuterald triggers his crest power to avenge the murder of his parents by the Morea assassins.
In Evergrace you play different scenarios up to a point and then you will control both characters when they meet up and then you play through one main scenario with both of them. There is a special jewel called Palmira that allows players to use magic and improves body condition. The three types of Palmira are the physical types which lets characters perform special attacks, the magic type which (obviously) is for casting spells, and last is the support type which protects characters from such elements as fire.
In the PSX version you could only use Palmira to enhance your character's status but for the PS2 players can merge weapons with the jewel and create magical weapons and armor. This will allow for much more diverse weapon options and combinations. Depending on which weapons and armor players pick up, the appearance of the character will change accordingly.
Another interesting little feature is this fashion critic in the game. The critic will judge your clothing and if he/she likes it then you get discounts for buying or repairing weapons so you better look sharp!
Visually, the game looks good but not great. At this point in its development I expected Evergrace to look a bit better but it's definitely nothing to whine about. The game does have great looking sky and the rest of the graphics really do set that medieval tone. The characters look pretty good but a little blurry. The special affects of the weapons and such do however look astounding. In one scene it shows one of the characters standing there with arms stretched to the sky and a brilliant beam of cascading light is raining down on him.
Overall, Evergrace doesn't seem to be using all of the PS2's graphical effects just yet but these action-RPG games tend to be very involving in the gameplay department.
For gamers who like action with some depth and thinking involved, this is the game to look out for.
Expect Evergrace to make a Spring 2000 release.
Expected Release Date:
Spring 2000 (Japan)
Developer / Publisher:
From Software