I have to admit that I have a soft spot when it comes to Star Wars licensed video games. As a boy growing up with the franchise it was always a dream to become a Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. While the new episodes lack the creativity that the original trilogy had, the same can not be said for the recent games. Starting with Starfighter, LucasArts has finally figured out how to create viable games in the Star Wars universe when it comes to consoles. Starighter was brilliant and its recent follow up Jedi Starfighter was equally impressive. However, the true gem in the Star Wars crown comes in the form of a sequel to the 1999 hit game Episode I Pod Racer on the N64. The new updated Racer Revenge is set eight years after Episode I and sees Anakin as a well trained teenager Jedi. The premise has Selbuba seeking revenge for his loss in Episode I. To assist his endeavors he hires on a whole slew of slugs who will make each race more difficult to finish if to even cheat death at all.
In order to make the graphics engine better than previous efforts, LucasArts hired on Rainbow Studios to develop the game from the ground up. Rainbow who had great success with the early PS2 release of ATV Offroad Fury, was definitely up to the challenge and the fruit of their efforts is clearly shown in the final product. Racer Revenge is gorgeous all the way around, from pod details, character designs, to fully realized racing environments. All of this gorgeous scenery blasts past at incredible speeds with little slowdown. There is a little draw-in but it is barely noticeable. What is a nice touch is how Rainbow utilized the PS2's extra visual flares by having Pods kick up dust leaving trails everywhere, water ripples and sprays up as it should and forests and jungles look very lush and populated. The entire visual package is tight and does everything possible to complement the gameplay and offer an incredibly tense yet exciting racing experience. The soundtrack is tight with the usual Star Wars themes accompanied by appropriate in game scores along with top quality voice work when needed.
If you have played the original game that was ported to the PS2 last year, then Racer Revenge will feel very similar and that is a good thing. In many ways Racer Revenge is to the original Racer as SSX Tricky was to SSX. Racer Revenge takes the best elements of the original and refines them to the next level. Therefore, Racer Revenge is not necessarily a new game but rather a reworked title with a number of upgrades. On of those upgrades is a stronger focus on pod combat. Being able and sometimes encouraged to ram opponents to their death makes the game seem more like Episode I. In addition, taking out opponents at times will give you more tugruts to spend at Watto's upgrade shop. Therefore, you can approach each race differently. Trying to keep up in the top of the pack while trying to take someone out at the same time becomes quite challenging in later stages.
Which brings me to the main problem with this game, it is relatively easy even though I do not consider myself a gaming guru by any stretch of the imagination. Some later stages do challenge but the game can be cleared in under 3 hours. This will pose a problem for replay value as the two-player mode is riddled with slowdown issues that not many people will bother with it. On the other hand there are numerous hidden characters and unlockables to be found including trivia bits that will keep the incentive high for some gamers. The meat of the game is found in the Tournament mode where you will work your way up through the ranks by winning races, earning money and spending it to jazz up your pod's capabilities.
Sure, Racer Revenge is essentially more of the goodness that was Episode I Pod Racer but it still warrants a purchase due to the enhancements that Rainbow Studios have included. I am still trying to unlock all of the secret characters and I have been playing it through for two months now. Regardless, Racer Revenge is best Star Wars themed console game yet to appear.
Reader Reviews
Score: |
8 |
Gameplay |
8 |
Graphics |
8 |
Sound |
8 |
Value |
7 |