Player Information
Player Name: MvpElway7
EA Handle: MvpElway7
AOL IM: mvpelway7
Colorado Springs, CO
Time Zone: Mountain
Best Time to Play:
After 9:00 pm mountain time 7 days a week or weekends.
Cincinnati Bengals Team Information
Week 9 Results
Winning Team: Bengals
Losing Team: Chiefs
Score: 27-20 Bengals
Score by quarter
Chiefs, 7,7,3,3
Total Offense:270
Rushing: 117
Passing: 153
Frerotte: 11/23 166 yards, 2TD, 2INT
Dillon: 23 attempts for 96 yards
Bennett: 3 attempts for 16 yards
Frerotte: 2 attempts for 5 yards and 1 TD
Dillon: 6 for 76 yards
Johnson: 2 for 34 yards and 1td
Warrick: 1 for 30 yards
Schobel: 1 for 6 yards
Scott: 1 for 20 and 1TD
"D" stud:
Brian Simmons: 7 tackles, 4 for losses on Priest, 2 passs deflections
Umm, where to start. Frankly we both played pretty well. I have never seen Madden job someone on almost every level. The only thing Vapor didn't have happen to him is a fumble. First, I'm running with Dillon on third and short, after he hasn't been able to stop him all day, he tackles me short of the first,.... Whistle, 15 yard face masking. I continue on to score a TD. Gonzales, though he had 5 catches, basically dropped everything, including a ball on the 1 yard line with absolutely no defenders on the screen. Trent Green goes out in the fourth destroying all hope of the comeback. Then He has me in third and long, as I'm being sacked I throw up a prayer to Warrick in triple coverage, who comes down with it for a 30 yard gain, and a victory sealing drive is saved.
Dillon was the bomb again. And for my part I did adjust to Priest and shut him down. I had a couple dropped balls with wide open guys, but nothing like Vapor's stone handed moron Gonzales. I would ahve to say I played well, but would like to see if I could win that game without madden's "divine intervention".
Week 8 Results
Winning team: Steelers
Losing team: Bengals
Score: 17-13 Steelers
Score by quarters
Bengals stats
Offense 237
Rushing: 42
Passing: 195
Frerotte: 14/25 for 200 yards and 1TD rating 95.4
Dillon: 16 att for 37 yards
Neal: 1 att for 5 yards
Dillon: 6 for 78 yards
Johnson: 3 for 42 yards
Neal: 2 for 12 yards
Warrick: 1 for 18 yards
Schobel: 1 for 11 yards and 1 TD
Scott: 1 for 39 yards
Defensive Player of the Game:
Takeo Spikes: 9 tackles, 2 for loss, 1 Sack, 1 Forced Fumble
I'm pretty pissed at my self and my team, so this will be quick.
We pretty much domintaed the first three quarters of the game. we were horrible against bettis, but when we put them in third down situations, we usually came out on top. I commented to my wife who was watching that:" I need to score here, my defense is getting tired, and I'm going to lose if I don't get another TD". I was exactly right, defense fell apart late, and we lost. I hate this team, and can't wait until next year....
Godd thing for both of us was: It was raining to beat the band, and there were no turnovers.....
Good game Mpire, solid effort, and a strong comeback late..
Week 7 Results
Week 6 Results
Winning team: Bengals
Losing Team: Ravens
Score: 17-14 Bengals
Bengals Game Stats:
Total "O": 339 yards
Rushing: 104 yards
Passing: 235 yards
Frerotte: 12 of 20 for 235 yards and 2 TD, 0 INT, rating of 134.3
Dillon: 20 attempts for 69 yards
Neal: 2 attempts for 28 yards
Frerotte: 2 for 6 yards
Bennett: 1 for 1 yard
Dillon: 6 for 110 yards
Schobel: 2 for 39 yards, 1 TD
C. Johnson: 2 for 40 yards, 1 TD
Warrick: 1 for 20 yards
Farmer: 1 for 26 yards
Defensive studs of note:
Corey Hall: 6 tackles, 1 INT
Hawkins: 5 tackles, 1 INT
It was a cold and snowy day in Cincy. Something neither team was thrilled to see. The game started off ok for the Bengals, we got across the 50 into their territory, but got stopped. Then it looked bad, as the Ravens just plugged down the field with Lewis, and scored a TD.
The Bengals had some offensive confidence after their first drive, and used it to drive for a chip shot field goal from the 6 of Baltimore. Then, on the Ravens next drive, fortune smiled on the Bengals. Jeff Blake got smacked after a pass by Takeo Spikes, and went out for the duration of the half. Redman stepped in, and quickly threw his first of 2 INTs on the Day.
The Bengals scored 14 unanswered points from there.
In the fourth, the Ravens really took control of the game. Lewis chewed up yyards, but he also chewed up clock. The Ravens didn'thave as much time as they wouldv'e liked to come back, and the running by both teams made their time dwindle. The Ravens scored a late TD in the fourth, and with all of their time outs, just needed to stop Dillon. It wasn't to be, Dillon ran over and through defenders eating up clock to seal the victory.
The story of this game was turnovers: Tthe Bengals got 2 takeaways, the Ravens got none. Both Running backs were as-billed: dominating.
Week 5 Results
Winning Team: Bengals
Losing Team: Niners
Score: 27-24 Bengals
Bengals Stats:
Offense:379 yards
Rushing: 181 yards
Passing: 198 yards
Frerotte: 14/27 for 198 yards 1 TD
Dillon: 23 attempts for 178 yards 1 TD (long of 67)
Frerotte: 2 att. for 4 yards
Neal: 2 att for -1 yard, 1 TD
Dillon: 7 Rec for 103 yards, 1 TD
D. Scott: 3 for 43 yards
C.Johnson: 1 rec 22 yards
P.Warrick: 1 rec for 5 yards
D. Farmer: 1 rec 23 yards
B. Bennett: 1 rec 2 yards
Defensive stand out
Steve Foley 2 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, 1 Int
Player of Game: Terrell Owens 9 catches for 412 yards
Ok, I won, but I'm not pulling any punches. Tidus, throw to a different guy sometimes. McNoun and Garcia were a combined 9 of 18 for 412 yards. Coincidentally, Owens had 9 catches for 412 yards and 3 TD's. Garcia tried to lob 1 to Strrets by accident, and it fell incomplete or got intercepted. Now I know you did run the ball some Tidus... But thats because I had to have my lowsy ass secondary in prevent or double wide, or double slot, or man under... you get the picture. The thing that gets me is: he tried to be fair, when he was ahead or tied. Until he got frustrated. Then it was: "Back to the air".
On a better note: It was an exciting game with the Bengals running the clock down in the fourth on their final touchdown drive. Scoreing with 29 seconds to play. The niners came back with 2 bombs to Owens, but couldn't get up to the line of scrimmage with no time outs remaining.
Week 4 Results
Winning team: Rams
Losing team: Bengals
Score:27-14 Rams
Offense: 248 yards
Rushing: 41 yards
Passing: 207 yards
Frerotte: 15-36 for 230 yards 2 TD 4 INT
Dillon: 12 attempts for 41 yards
Warrick: 4 catches 59 yards, 1 TD
Dillon: 3 for 29
Johnson: 2 for 42
Scott: 2 for 53
Farmer: 2 for 22, 1 TD
Neal: 1 for 16
Schobel: 1 for 10
Defensive player of the game for the Bengals:
Steve Foley: 4 tackles, 2 tackles for loss, 1 sack
Game summary:
Issac Bruce and Tory Holt run faster 40 times than the Bengals DB's, and catch everything. Frerotte threw interceptions. The Bengals started going for it on 4th down too early, fearing they could not stop Bruce and Holt, which they couldn't. Faulk got shut out, guess I can be proud of that....
The Rams took advantage of 2 INTs and 1 fumble on the Bengals opening 3 drives to take a 17-0 lead. We held them to 10 points the rest of the way, but never recovered.
Week 3 Results
Winning Team: Broncos
Losing Team: Bengals
Score: 45-31 Broncos
well, for the second time now, I had a great summary typed, and my god damn AOL service got interrupted because someone picked up the phone. So, with them out of the way..... (corpse in the garage) I'm gonna do another quickie report.
After a great week of practice, the Bengals put Frerrotte in in place of Smith. Good decision, Frerrotte looked great, and even had the Bengals tied in the third after a valient comeback, but it was the defense this week. Viper was all over my secondary, and he picked me apart, when I finally started puttting the brakes on Greise a little, he just ran me over with Davis. As a die hard Bronco Fan, I wish Griese had played like that for us in R/L
Toatl Offense: 344
Passing: 327
Frerrotte: 14 of 28 for 298 yards, 2 TDS, 1 INT Rating of 97
Kitna: 2-3 for 29 tyards, 1TD, rating 137.5
Dillon: 13 attempts for 17 yards (my line wears tu-tus)
Dillon: 5 catches for 109 yards
Warrick: 4 for 85
C. johnson: 2 for 72 1TD
Scott: 2 for 32, 1 TD
Schobel: 1 for 7
L.Neal: 1 for 10, 1 TD
Farmer: 1 for 12
Defensive standouts:
Corey Hall: 8 tackles, 1 INT, 1 Forced Fumble
Takeo Spikes: 7 tackles
Steve Foley: 6 tackles, 2 for loss
Week 2 Results
Winning Team: Browns
Losing team: Bengals
score: 24-21
Bengals stats:
Offense: 188 yards
Rushing: 27
Passing: 161
Total Yards: 368
4 turnovers
Akili Smith: Rating 34.4 (that says it all) 9 of 29 for 161 yards 2 TDs and 4 ints
Dillon: 17 att. 24 yards
L. Neal: 1 att. foe 3 yards
Dillon: 5 for 87, 0 td
D. Scott: 3 for 59, 2 TD
P warrick: 1 for 15, 0 TD
Defensive P.O.G for the Bengals:
Jeff Burris: 7 tackles, 1 for loss, 1 int
Good god folks, this was an UUUUUUUGGLY ball game, for Moline7 and I both. 8 Interceptions thrown , 4 by each starter. But for my side: A. Smith I believe stands for Anna Nicole Smith, not Akili. Dillon, must be Bob Dillon, because, there was no Corey today... The rest fall right in line with that.
What was supposed to be a great divisional battle turned out to be a pathetic display of quarterbacking gaffs. Oh, with some punts thrown in. This fantactic match-up featured 14 3 and outs. wow, now thats exciting. The fans were seen playing quarters in the stands during commercial breaks...
Bright spots: well, for me: C. Johnson had a 91 yard TD kick off return, and the defense played fairly well. For Moline7: He did what he had to do.. ran the ball better, and converted a much better percentage of third downs.. Couch was drunk I think, or still worrying about the whole "Cade McNoun is with my Girl Friend " thing. But he pulled through it when he had to.
Really the highlite of the game was the final quarter, where The Browns and the Bengals decided to play hot potato, neither wanting to win. Until finally, Moline took advantage of another three and out, and methodically ran over a tired Bengals "D" for a final field goal with 11 seconds left inthe game.
After the game, Coach MvpElway7 declined to comment. Saying only: "I'm gonna go wash my mouth out now, because we've been sucking ass all night"
Week 1 Results
Winning team: Chargers
Losing team: Bengals
Score: 35-14
Bengals numbers
Offense: 206
Rushing: 52
Passing: 154
Passing: Akili Smith: 14 of 27 for 170 yards 2TD 2INT
Rushing: Dillon: 17 for 50 0 TD
Recieving: Dillon: 7 for 84 yards 0 TD
Well, I had a very in-depth and well written summary to post, but I got disconnected right when I went to submit. So with that in mind, I'm not wasting a lot of time on the details.
Basically, Jiggs played great. 2 plays changed the game. The first being the 103 yard INT return by Jammer. The second being a very flukey last second hail-mary to Tomlinson to end the first half that he caught on the 5, broke a tackle, and took in for six.
Being behind 21-7, having blown 2 big touchdown opportunities, it was basically over, we traded a TD a piece in the second half, and that was that.
The Bengals won the T.O.P battle, and the offensive yardage numbers were almost identical by the end of the game. But you can't ask the Bengals to overcome big deficits, it won't happen.
Good Game Jiggs. I love this league...