Reader's top psx picks. The Top Ten.
Turn off your computer and go buy these games now!
by: Aaron "Bearsfan" Thomas
Seemingly ages ago, we here at Playstation2 Central asked for our readers to let us know what their favorite games were. The response was overwhelming, as readers flooded my mailbox with not only their votes, but also reasons why their game is #1. 82 games received a total of 1,331 of your votes, and the results will all be revealed to you in three parts. You may notice that some games are added together as series, this was done to have a wider variety of games in the top 25. In some series, each game stands alone and people have clear reasons why each game is their favorite. In other series, like Crash or Wipeout the votes would get scattered throughout the sequels, and the series would not be represented fairly, so I added them together. For those of you who aren't rocket scientists, the ranking is on the left, followed by the title, and in parentheses, the number of votes recieved.
Here we have the top ten games of the reader's top 25 list. If you have not played any of these games, you are most likely a bad person. These are THE best that the Playstation has to offer, so you can't go wrong if you pick up any of these titles. As with the other parts of this feature, I've included your thoughts on the games, and when there were no reader thoughts available, I posted a few of my own. If you haven't seen the games that didn't make the top 25 click here, games 25-17 are here ,and 17-11 are here.
10. Gran Turismo (35)
The Real Driving Simulator. I finally rented this game after hearing that my car, a Honda Del Sol was in it. Does it get much better than driving your own car in a videogame? Nope, it sure doesn't, and most of you seem to agree. Never before had realism like this been seen in a racing game. Buy new cars, used cars, upgrade them and even get them washed. Truly a classic.
Jason Macnabb says:"Gran Turismo was extremely well done as far as graphics go, and the ability to challenge your friends to a friendly 200mph rush through city streets. Of course, the ability to cut them off, and push them into oncoming traffic was a definite plus as well, until they caught up with you again. The hardest thing was not reenacting the races during the drive to the fast food place for refilling at 2 in the morning."
9. Resident Evil2 (42)
More enemies, more blood, and more playable characters made this sequel a huge hit for the Playstation. Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield must save Raccoon City from the zombies. No problem, surely I'll be safe in the police station many thought. How wrong they were as they were forced to battle for their lives against the zombified police officers. I didn't think this game came close to the experience of Resident Evil, but then again, that's pretty tough to do.
Rob says:"More Zombies, things hanging from the ceiling, two people to play as...it doesn't get much better than that."
8. Tony Hawk Series (46)
When the first Tony Hawk was released many people, including myself dismissed it as "another stupid extreme game". How wrong we were. This game did everything right; creative level design, unique challenges, perfect controls, and tons of tricks. With the addition of new skaters and a Create-A-Park mode, its sequel is one of the few games to ever win EGM's platinum award. Plus, any game where you can play as Spiderman can't be that bad.
CrazyApu says:"This game is just plain fun, weather your hanging out with a group of friends or sitting in your room alone. The controls were simple and allowed me to perform complicated tricks without learning any big button combinations. "
7. Resident Evil (50)
The mother of all survival horror games is Resident Evil (Well maybe it's Alone in the Dark, but we won't debate that here). This game introduced a new concept to videogaming: Fear. Now gamers were a little more careful when walking by a window, opening a door, or going up a flight of steps. You never knew what was lurking around the corner, and that was what made this game great. Who could ever forget walking in the basement and finding yourself in a room with sharks! For those of you that are wondering, this is my favorite Playstation game of all time.
CrazyApu says:" In my opinion Resident Evil 2 or 3 can't even hold a candle to the original. The whole fact of not knowing what's going on or why zombies were running around was a one-time experience. The others just didn't seem as emotionally powerful. "
6. Gran Turismo (54)
After the enormous success of the original Gran Turismo, gamers waited impatiently for its sequel to arrive. Delay followed delay, but it was finally released in the winter of 1999. Controversy soon followed as word spread of how buggy the game was. Players found their garages being deleted, and anyone who spent hours trying to finish the game with 100% knows about that issue. Beneath all the problems this game stands in gamer's eyes as the best racing game of all time
Patrick-Michel Degenais says: "Gran Turismo is the first realistic racer I've ever seen. I was one of the rare people I knew who passed the licenses without cheating. More than that, the licenses showed you how fine and realistic this game was. BUT ABOVE ALL, it actually made me a better driver. The techniques I've learned in this game helped me more than once on the road. Throw me rocks if you will, but Gran Turismo made me a better driver. A GAME MADE ME A BETTER DRIVER. How many times can I say this? Again, a title where I've learned from. "
Finally, the top 5 games. Go ahead click, I dare ya.