Site Updates
March 11
Finished the rules pages, and most of the main page updates. Some info is still missing from certain pages, but all is well. The Final tweaks to the main design have been made. On to the Team Page Updates.
Team Pages have the updated scores as of 9:17 PM EST March 11.
March 13
The Madden Extra is starting to take shape, so check it out. It has the Week 4 Game of the Week on it and will be updated more later today. So check it out, that should get you just enough to reel you in for the rest ;)
I. Getting Started
You must own a copy of Madden 2003 for the Playstation 2.
You must also own the Official Playstation Network adaptor to become online capable and/or have another source to play online with your PS2.
Must have high Internet bandwidth connection -- (Cable, DSL, T1, T3) Owners currently in the league with dial-up are to be grand fathered.
Try to have a Madden Alias created name with the letters PSX2C in front of your name (example: PSX2C-Pats8383) This will enable other owners to identify you easily and keeps us from adding a password to our Madden room allowing other non-leaguers to enter for exposure to our site and league. This addition to your alias is not required, only recommended.
You must be a registered user of the PSX2Central.com’s forums.
When you meet these requirements you will need to register for the league. Registration will require you to fill in all fields that apply, once submitted a league administrator will contact you as soon as possible. Registration does not guarantee you entrance into the league
Rules Introduction
I. Getting Started
II. Once in the League
III. Warnings
IV. Scheduling Games
V. Game Play Rules and Conduct
VI. Completed Games